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Inside the resort's main staff room. All the employees and people in charge have been captured and bound against their will. While Marlo, Joe, Marty, with the help of Blake, and some of their henchmen took over the resort's entire management.

"Now all we have to do is wait for the boss to show up." Joe grunted as he tied up the last employee and locked him with the rest inside a storage room.

Then there was a firm knock on the door.

"Speak of the devil," Marlo chimed and opened the door.

Dunbar, Blade, and again dozens of evil henchmen strode inside.

"Good work team." Dunbar applauded. "Our plan is nearly in completion. Let's get ready for the next step and set up that festival."

Back in spa

Barbie's POV

"This is so relaxing!" Nikki sighed.

I chuckled. "Yeah I could say the same thing."

Right then I turned my head around to see a shadow behind the wall.

Before I could get up and check it out, the shadow suddenly disappeared.

Either I was starting to get crazy or something was really going on.

Time Skip
One week later

"Skipper! Are you still hugging the bathroom?" Stacie exclaimed impatiently, "We're going to be late for the festival!"

I quickly checked everything in my bag.

"I'm going to help Skipper to get ready," I replied as I opened the door to see Skipper.

"I'm not coming!" Skipper exclaimed panicking, "I don't know what I should wear or if I should use makeup or what hairstyle I should try."

"Skipp! Chill! You don't need to stress so much over a boy liking you or not. You're perfect the way you are," I said as I placed my hands on her shoulders.

Skipper took a deep breath to steady herself." You're right. I'll just go put on the nicest outfit I can put together."

"There you go." I smiled. "And for your makeup... I'll be glad to help you out if you want.

My younger sister sighed in relief. "Thanks Barbie."


Ken, Brooklyn, and the others were already waiting by the lobby.

"There you guys are." Brooklyn chirped as me and my sisters made our way down the stairs. "Are you guys ready the hit the festival and have fun?"

"You bet!" Stacie replied enthusiastically. "I can't wait to see what's there!"

"Me too!" Chelsea giggled beside her. "I wanna win a unicorn stuffie from one of those mini game booths."

"We'll be sure to get one for you, sweetie." mom pats Chelsea's head.

"Barbie....I'm sure there are eating contests out there as well," Ken said, "We have to give them a try.

I chuckled. "If I win, you'll get me a soda."

"Are there any eating pizza contest, too?" Renee exclaimed as I face-plamed.

Teresa chuckled. "You sure have are hyped about pizza."

Renee groaned. "That's because I've been craving the entire week. I'll probs lose it if I don't eat some."

The festival was held at the biggest area vacant area of the beach. Lots of people were there and the vibe seemed very exciting.

When we got to the entrance, Seth was standing there waiting for us

"Hi guys!" He waved. "I'm glad you all could come." Then he takes one look at Skipper and his face turned pink. "Wow, Skipper. You look really nice."

Skipper blushed.
"T-thanks, Seth."

"Okay....let's go," Daisy said excitedly, "I hope there's going to be some good music out there!"

We separated into groups. Daisy, and Nikki went with Renee to find the pizza she wanted to eat. Me, Brooklyn, and Teresa went to go see the rides. Ken kept an eye on Stacie and Chelsea who wanted to win stuffed animals from those mini carnival games in those little red tents. Meanwhile, Seth and Skipper wandered off on their own.

"This place is just like the Willows fest," I sighed happily.

"Honestly you have to take us there once we go there again," Teresa replied.

I chuckled.
"Sure. Anyways.... what are we gonna do first?" I asked excitedly.

Right then I saw a shadow behind of a person behind a one of the tents. I tried to get a good look but the right then it was gone.

"You good, Malibu?" Brooklyn asked. "You seem a bit out of it."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I thought I just saw something weird. Must have been my imagination."

I shook my head thinking it was nothing.

"So anyways... what are we gonna do first? There are so many fun activities here to do," I stated

“I wanna ride the bumper cars! You up for it?” Brooklyn said.

“Sounds fun.”

Brooklyn went ahead. Teresa murmured something to her ear. “I noticed the shadow too. We better alert Renee.”

She pressed the button on her earpiece. The ones they put on earlier as they got dressed. “Renee. Be on your guard. I think someone is following us.”

I glanced at Teresa nervously.
"Also we need to make sure no one gets suspicious...I don't want anyone realizing....that you know," I shrugged my shoulders.

Teresa nodded. "Don't worry...I get what you mean. Let's just hope nothing bad happens."

A/N: The festival seems to be going pretty well...But what are the bad guys planning?!
If you guess right, you can ask me any question you want as long as it's not a personal thing or it doesn't spoil the story.😉

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