A Festival right around the corner

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Barbie's POV

"That was fun!" Ken exclaimed.
I chuckled in response.

I glanced around.
"Where are the others?" I asked curiously.

As soon as I  said that and others soon joined us

Brooklyn drank some water. The scuba diving made her a bit tired. “Woo! Everybody have fun?”

"Hell yeah!" Renee exclaimed.
"Totally!" I replied.

“Okay cool! I think we should go back now. The sun is starting to set. And I’m starving.”

“Same here,” Stacie said. “Ocean activities sure knows how to make someone hungry. I can’t wait to eat.”

“I had fun too!” Chelsea clapped her hands. “How about you Skipper? Did you and Seth have fun?” She asked her sister sitting beside, followed by a tiny giggle.

Skipper blushed at the question.

"Y-yeah we did," Seth replied.
I smirked as I glanced at Seth and Skipper.

The boy's cheeks were slightly pink.

"I don't know about anyone...but I'm tired. Let's go back to our rooms," Renee said as she yawned, "Oh and Barbie? Have fun sharing a room with your boyfriend!"

I glared at Renee but before I could say anything she rushed back inside.

I groaned as I rolled my eyes.

“Hey.” Ken gently nudged me. “If you’re really nit comfortable, I can sleep in the couch.”

I shook my head.
"No, it's fine," I replied, "I think I have an idea that can help. For now let's go back."
We all went back to our rooms. Chelsea already fell asleep and dad had to carry her back to their room.

After washing up, I went back to the bedroom. Ken, on the other hand, was standing on one side of the empty bed.  Rubbing his arm and his eyes fixed on the ground. “So… now what?”

I smiled as I grabbed some extra pillows and and a blanket and started dividing the bed to two sections as I placed the pillows in the middle of the bed and then covered them with the blanket.

"Ta-da! Now we both can have the bed," I said.

“Nice!” He gave her a thumbs up. “Good thinking, Barbie.”

Soon after, they both fell asleep in their respective spaces.


Marlo, Joe, and Marty hang back in a sketchy pub near the resort. Reporting back to HQ of their scouting mission.

“How was day one?” Dunbar asked from the phone.

“Everything went fine,” Marlo answered. “Blake’s doing his job excellently while the three of us haven’t been suspected yet.”

“How are things back in your end, boss?” Marty asked.

“Pearlman has been secured and returned to base,” their boss said gloated. “The security in prison he was in was pathetic. It was like picking the lock of a school locker.”

“That’s good news.” Marlo smiled. “Now we have more minds on our side.”

“Well said, Marlo.”

“But how about this festival, boss.” Joe interjects. “When will you get here?”

“Preparations are going as planned. The rest of us will follow in 4 days time. And then we can all set up the trap.”

Next day

Barbie's POV

I yawned as I slowly opened my eyes to see sunlight in the room.

"Morning, Barbie!"
I looked up to see Ken.

"Hey Ken...morning. What time is it?" I asked.

He chuckled. "It's time for breakfast. Come on! We're going to be late."

I quickly got up and ran to bathroom to get changed.
After I was ready we headed downstairs to meet up with others for breakfast.

Brooklyn perked up when she saw me making my way down. I gave her a wave
Everyone was already at the breakfast table and the two of us were the only ones missing.

Did we sleep in that long?

“Hi sleepyhead. Looks like you slept well.”

Renee chuckles. “I’ll say.” While looking back and forth between me and Ken.
I shot her a death glare.

Daisy found the nerve to tease us as well. “Come on! It’s their first time sharing a bed. Leave them be.”

I blushed. Seriously?!!?

I rolled my eyes.
I sat on a chair beside Teresa.

I glanced around to see if I could see Skipper since she wasn't with us.

I finally saw her holding hands with Seth as she was walking towards our table.

"Hey guys!" Skipper exclaimed happily.

"Hey Skipp! How was your date?" I grinned.

“Awesome.” She beamed happily. “Seth really knows everything about this place. We even went inside staff rooms because he had an all access pass!”

She smiled at Seth. “Thanks for inviting me out.”

He nodded while Stacie and Chelsea giggled and made smooching noises to tease their sister.

🎶 _“Seth and Skipper… sitting in a tree… K-I-S-S-I-N-G” _🎶

Mom had to stop them with a firm but gentle warning. “Okay, girls. Don’t be too hard on your sister.”

Skipper was blushing too hard at Stacie's and Chelsea's comments.

"Anyways, there's a festival in an amusement park nearby," Skipper said, "It has all sort of games and stuff and it's something like Willows fest back at home. I was wondering if we could go."

“Sounds fun!” Brooklyn’s brows scrunched a little. “But I haven’t heard of that ever. Who told you about it?”

“Seth did!” Skipper grinned widely at him. “He says his uncle has planned for it.”
"Well of course my uncle told me that the date is changed to next week due to some problems," Seth shrugged.

“Oh okay then,” Brooklyn says.

She, Nikki, Daisy, and Ken. Didn’t seem to be fazed by Seth’s news. But I had a very strange feeling about this festival literally popping out of nowhere. It really seemed suspicious

After breakfast, Skipper and Seth headed out to hang out some more. Ken, Stacie, and Chelsea went along with them. Brooklyn suggested we all get pampered at the hotel’s spa and all of us agreed.

On the way, I found the opportunity to address this festival thing to Renee and Teresa.

“Is it just me or is there something fishy is going on?” Renee glanced around, like we were being watched.
I glanced around nervously as well.

“Yeah.” Teresa agreed. “At first we felt like somebody was watching us. And then this mysterious festival pops out of nowhere.”

“We better stay sharp and keep our guards up.” I suggested to them calmly. “Just to be safe!”

Renee and Teresa nodded in understanding.

"Also we need to make sure that no one else suspects anything," I continued, "I don't want anyone realizing about our secret," I whispered.

"Of course....unless we have a death wish," Renee joked, "Now let's head to the spa! Relaxing is something we all need."

A/N: Woo!
Alright! What do you think is going to happen in the festival?

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