The master plan 😈👑

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Y/N's pov,

'Bingo b*tch..'

My eyes fill with tear as they arrive "Y-your Majesties!.." I legs kept buckling in pain as I try to walk over to them my legs buck as I reach them and I fall forward into navier, she gasps "What happened!?" I sniffle "I-I tried t-to stop her-r, she-she threw chairs and a vase at M-Me!" I cry in pain in navier's arms "I was j-just trying to help then she h-hit me!" Navier was wiping my tears away as rashta stopped hitting the door "Your majesty! They won't let rashta out! Rashta didn't hit her!!" The knight cleared there throat

"Lady Y/N is telling the truth, I saw a chair hit her in the head as we arrived is we had gotten here later lady rashta would have severely harmed lady Y/N.." the knight bowed then the knight holding the door closed speaks "He is right your Majesties and lady rashta had thrown another vase, a chair and a table  she may be small but she's extremely strong.." the other knight bowed to them my chest started to hurt less and I could breathe better

"Thank you navier.." I use her hand to help me stand up after I did I leaned on a wall for support "I can't be here.." I walk with the wall being my guide until a large hand hook onto my waist I hiss in pain "Y/N I need to ask a small question from you ok?.." he lightly smiles at me and I just nodded as he takes his hand off on my hip "Why where you in the hall by rashta's room?.."

I look at him with watery eyes "I got lost then I heard a loud noise so I followed it here.." I let a tear fall down my face. He wiped my tear "Ok that's all I needed navier can you take her to her room I need to deal with Someone....." Navier nodded as she wrapped my arm around her shoulder as we both walk to my room we pass maids, butlers and lower Nobels, I smile as I walk past them as they gossip

'is lady Y/N ok!?'
                                'did someone attack her!?'

'her head is bleeding!'

'her and empress Navier came from rashta's quarters!'
                            'I think rashta attacked her!'

'she already poisoned her so she must have done this!'

'the poor thing looks like she is traumatized..'
'This is the performance of the century..' I put my hurt and sad face on as we continue to my room, we pass heinley and Kosair I wasn't able to look them in the eyes so we just passed them

Author's pov,

As Y/N and Navier pass the two there eyes widen In horror kosair's in guilt and Heinley's in concern "What do you think happened to Y/N?.." Kosair just stares at the back of your head as you wobble in the direction of your room. Kosair's fists clenched as his knuckles turn white and his nails dig into his palm almost making them bleed, he was snapped out of his thoughts bye heinley waving his hand over his face "are you alright Kosair you zoned out.." he just nodded staring at nothing in particular.

Y/N's pov,

As me and Navier make it back to my room I hobble over to my bed to lay down "Would you like for me to get the Royal physician? You seem in alot of pain.." I just nodded as I lay my back "can you get lady Rebecca for me and some rose tea too?.." she nods and hurried out of the room. I groan as I try to move on my side 'I think I broke a rib..' I try to hold in my tears as I breathe heavily from the movement.

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