"I wish you death.." 👱🏻‍♂️💢👑

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Kosair's pov,

I walk out of my darling Y/N's room, all I felt was rage towards the mistress as I approached the hall to her room I hear yelling and crying, I look around the corner to see Sovieshu yelling at rashta I narrow my eyes at him "I can't defend you anymore you have gone too far this time! This was the last straw!" Sovieshu grabbed her arm and started dragging her somewhere in the opposite direction.

I grab the vase and put it in front of the door and I run back to Y/N's room when I open the door I see that she is asleep I smile and kiss her on the forehead then I rub my thumb over her soft cheek "Sleep well my darling.." I stand up from my crouching position and left...

Author's pov,

Word of Rashta attacking Y/N spread like wildfire maids and butlers were concerned for the young lady and her ladies in waiting anxiously wait for Y/N to wake up again for answers. Sovieshu stresses in his office over the state Y/N was in he was practically ripping out his hair in worry, navier was pacing in her room with a shaky arm holding a tea cup Maria was trying to calm her down but nothing was working only the young lady waking up could ease her worry.

Y/N was sleeping peacefully unaware of the wrath of a deranged mistress ready to tear Y/N's head off the second she wakes up... What does the mistress have in possession to harm her you may ask.. SHE IS READY TO SANGWOO HER!

Instead of a bat she has a fire poker clutched tightly in her hands as her knuckles turn as white as snow

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Instead of a bat she has a fire poker clutched tightly in her hands as her knuckles turn as white as snow. Footsteps from down the hall break rashta from her deranged thoughts she gasps and drops the poker and crawled under the bed, as the door opens and in walks Y/N's third lady in waiting Annabeth along with her bodyguard Victor. Annabeth has dark chocolate hair, and eyes of liquid gold.

 Annabeth has dark chocolate hair, and eyes of liquid gold

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(Change the blue to gold)

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(Change the blue to gold)

And victor with black hair and deep sea blue eyes.

Victor looks around the room suspiciously until he sees the poker by the bed he bends down and grabbed the poker he looks at Annabeth as she gasped at the object and ran over to check on Y/N when she sees a piece of a blue dress that was under the...

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Victor looks around the room suspiciously until he sees the poker by the bed he bends down and grabbed the poker he looks at Annabeth as she gasped at the object and ran over to check on Y/N when she sees a piece of a blue dress that was under the bed only one person wears that color...

Annabeth grabbed victor's hand and pointed to the piece of fabric. Victor scooped Y/N up into his arms Y/N snuggled into the body warmth causing victor to smile as a blush spread across his face knowing the light of his life is safe in his arms.

As they left they weren't aware of the growing insanity of the mistress along with the rage filled jealousy of someone who is more worthless then dirt...

Word count: 501

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