See you never!.. 💢👑👰‍♀️

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Y/N's pov,

The 'truth' of Rashta attacking me has been heard by the entire kingdom by now and everyone hates her more than they did before, Kosair has been by my side almost everyday as I recovered from the blow the the chest.

I look at the mirror with a smile at the dress I was wearing it was a gift from my darling Kosair

I look at the mirror with a smile at the dress I was wearing it was a gift from my darling Kosair

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We are supposed to go to a ball for the new reign of of a smaller kingdoms queen and king. Me and Kosair are to be matching for this ball so we can possibly announce are courtship. A knock on the door knocked me out of my thoughts, I peak my head out the door and smile there stood Kosair in all his glory clad in green.

 A knock on the door knocked me out of my thoughts, I peak my head out the door and smile there stood Kosair in all his glory clad in green

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"You look marvelous my darling.." he grabs my chin and tilts it up, I blush at his action and look away he laughs at this "Come we must go before we are late." He grabs my hand and we arive at the carriage in a small amount of time kosair sits first after he guided me inside, I was tired so I layed down in kosair's lap to take a nap I was lulled to sleep as Kosair pets my hair.....
I was waken from my nap by someone softly shaking me, I open my eyes to meet a gorgeous pair of emerald and gold eyes. I rub my eyes with a smile "Are we there darling?.." he nodded and grabbed my hand, he guided me out of the carriage "I can't wait to see Aaron and Sarah! Oh Im so excited the last time I saw them it was when they got engaged last year!" I squeal at the thought of my childhood friend and her husband, They are the embodiment of the perfect couple.

Author's pov,

As the couple walk to the door they didn't notice the menacing smirk of the mistress from another carriage and a small dagger tucked into her cleavage to hide it...
Y/N's pov,

"Y/N!!" A female voice yelled from behind me I turn around just to be tackled into a hug by a flash of red, I look down to see my forever friend Sarah, she is wearing a beautiful gold dress that accentuates her figure.

"Y/N!!" A female voice yelled from behind me I turn around just to be tackled into a hug by a flash of red, I look down to see my forever friend Sarah, she is wearing a beautiful gold dress that accentuates her figure

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