Revenge.. 💥🩸💀

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Y/N's pov,

I grip kosair's arm lightly as we walk down the stairs I can see Sarah smiling at us from her throne next to Aaron, as we walk around we were greeted by nobles from all around but something caught my eye... ' I saw something shiny'.. my grip on kosair tightened.. 'something's not right here..' to calm my nerves I grab a glass of wine from the buffet table and then go walking around the ballroom with Kosair..

Kosair's pov,

Y/N's gripped on my arm tightened as her hand that was intertwined with mine slightly trembled along with her other hand that held her wine glass 'Something isn't right..' I look around for anything suspicious but I see nothing, I grip her hand tightly as I tried weaving us through the crowds to get to Aaron and Sarah, as we continue through the crowds that get thicker until I almost let go of Y/N's hand I heard the shing of metal but when I turned it was too late..

Author's pov,

A scream of shock resonates throughout the whole room as glass smashes on to the floor as well as blood spilling to the floor and stains the closest people around's clothes from the spray, gasps and a few screams resonate around the room blood spilled from Y/N's hand and arm with shards of glass stuck in her skin as well as a dagur sticking out of her shoulder.

she falls back into Kosair as blood stains her dress from the wound kosair's eyes went wide as he cought her and blood smears onto his clothes. As few stray tears fall from her eyes is what had set him off "Who dares to harm her!" His seething and booming voice reaching the farthest corners of the room, his eyes portrayed his Malice and his intent to kill on full display for everyone to see.

 As few stray tears fall from her eyes is what had set him off "Who dares to harm her!" His seething and booming voice reaching the farthest corners of the room, his eyes portrayed his Malice and his intent to kill on full display for everyone to see

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NGL this photo scared me when I saw it-

His eyes scanned the crowd until he locked eyes with a pair of uncaring silver eyes, He went ballistic pushing everyone away from himself and Y/N (But not women he drink's the respect women juice also Trashta doesn't count that thing is not a lady but a rat)

"YOU WITCH!" Kosair had grabbed a stray chair from a table and situated Y/N on it so she could put pressure on her wounds he got up and grabbed rashta by the skirt of her dress and dragged her over to him so he could grab her corset. She seemed shocked that he even grabbed her she predicted that Sovieshu would protect her as soon as he had yell at her, but he was worrying over Y/N who was still bleeding because of her actions, navier was also worrying over Y/N and Heinley was trying his hardest to comfort Navier from her worries.

As Kosair hoisted Rashta up from the ground by her dress her breath was snatched as her corset tightened impossibly tightly as she choked on air, Sovieshu finally acknowledged that Rashta was no longer on the floor but in the air being choked by her dress and his brother in-law.

Running over to the pair and ripping Rashta out of Kosair's grip was the worst thing he could have done at that moment as soon as there eyes met Kosair waisted no time in punching him so hard in face he was met with the floor sliding about 3 feet away from him, Navier gasped running over to her brother as Heinley helped keep pressure on Y/N'S wound.

With tears overflowing from her eyes, Y/N called out to Kosair snapping him of his trance as her rushed over to hold her red gloved hand that held her ring nestled underneath "Oh my darling the world has wronged you so much..." "Oh Kosair.. how my heart soars when you look into my eyes and hold my hand like I'm made out of the world's most fragile glass.."

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