I can be a better boyfriend then him ;)

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TW: Mentions of: Blood, minor self harm !!
Word Count; 3870
I have been best friends with Ash since I moved next door, corny I know. We usually did everything together, sell drugs together, get high together, get drunk together, and you get the idea. We tell each other everything, well we used to. Ever since I started dating troy,( Mckays brother ) we don't talk a lot, my boyfriend doesn't like me talking to other guys.

Im laying in my bed watching tiktok and I get a message from Maddy

Soul sister 💌

Soul sister 💌

Hey bitch theres a party tonight and your coming so pick

something hawt and a little scandalous ;)

I smile as I read her message, Maddy has been there for me ever since I moved here and I love her with my whole heart.


okay baee, your picking me up though😏

Soul sister 💌

Im so sorry bae but nates being a cunt and taking me 🙄

I roll my eyes when I read her text, her and Nate have the most bipolar relationship. I hate nate with my whole life, if I could, I'd kill that boy within a second


mama has work so she cant drop me?

Soul sister💌

Your lover boy ash is going, get him to drop you off


I haven't talked to ash in a while so I can't just message him and be like 'oh hey ash long time since we've talked, anyways can you drop me off at a party?, and hes not my lover boy.

Soul sister💌

girl do it or i'll message him



Soul sister💌

AHH i love you bitch


I mentally groan at what I'm about to do, I sit up on my bed and get up, I throw my oodie on and i walk downstairs. "hey mama" "hey baby, where you going?" I turn the door handle and open the door "just going to see ash" "okay baby cya" I smile and i walk out the door, closing it behind me. I feel a little anxious as I walk up to their front door, 'knock, knock, knock' "YO ASH GET THE DOOR" I hear fez yell from inside and I smile "fuck okay fez" I feel even more anxious when I hear his voice, I don't even know if he'll let me in but soon my thoughts were interrupted by the door being opened "oh" I look up at Ash as he stares at me "do I have something on my face?" I question because of how long he's staring at me, he rolls his eyes "can I come in?" he doesn't say anything he just walks away from the door leaving it open signaling for me to come in, I walk inside and I look around like its foregin land its only been like a week and it feels like I've been gone for decades "ayyy y/n where you been man" fez questions as he dabs me up, I quickly glance at Ash then I look away "I've uh been busy" I dig my finger nails into my thighs as I feel Ash's eyes burning into the side of my head "word" I hear fez reply and I look at him then I smile. "Ash can I talk to you?" "all of a sudden you wanna talk to me now?" "I uh gotta get to the station" I think fez felt the tension, I mentally cringe. "why you been ghosting me" I open my mouth but no words came out, I dug my finger nails into my thighs more wishing I wasn't put on the spot like this "hello? fucking answer me, I deserve an answer" harder and harder they go "Ash I'm sorry I don't know why I did" he scoffs, " I have sat in my room every day this week wondering, 'oh should I call y/n see if she's okay?' "what if something bad happened to her' so I'd call you and you'd decline or when I messaged you, you'd read it and not reply" again harder. "I sat in my room losing my mind wondering what I'd done wrong." tears well in my eyes, what the fuck did I do all because of this stupid boy that I don't even care about. "Y/N ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?" I flinch as he yells loudly at me, I press my nails harder and I close my eyes because of the relief I felt as my nails broke my skin, I dragged my nails, slightly slicing my skin causing blood to drip slightly. I open my eyes and see Ash staring at me.

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