Shes busy bro

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Thankyou again for the request tatiannaispretty
Jealous Ash?!
You and Ash are best friends nothing more, or thats what you thought ?
Word count; 2.1k+
Y/n pov
*Ring ring* I stir in my sleep trying to block out the sound that had woken me up but I couldn't, I sit up lazily and I reach over to my phone not looking at who was calling me but I hit the except button "hey babes" I smile as I hear Maddy's voice "hey mads" I cringe as I hear how groggy my voice is "did you really just wake up" I hear her laugh from the side of the phone "shut up I was at Ash's late" I rub my eyes as I stretch my legs "well get ready I'm coming to pick you up and we're going out" a feeling of excitement pits in my stomach, hanging out with Maddy is always the best "where are we going?" I ask curiously "I was thinking we go shopping then out for lunch?" I smile "yeah sure message me when your on your way to pick me up" I yawn "will do, and I swear to god if your not ready when I get there I'm gonna bitch slap you" I laugh slightly "okay tough guy" "wait til I see you bitch" she laughs but I quickly cut her off by hanging up.
I look at my phone and I see a notification from Ash



u coming over today?
read: 10:20

I'm going out today sorry ash but maybe later?
read 10:22

with who?
sent 10:23
is it a guy??
sent 10:23

As I read Ashtrays texts I laugh in confusion, why is he asking that? He never cares who I hangout with, I decide not to reply since I have very little time till Maddy is coming to pick me up.
After I get out of the shower I walk over to my closet and pick out an outfit and some shoes, after I've put them on I decide to just brush my hair out leaving it straight and I grab my phone. I check Maddy's location and she hasnt left her house yet and I let out a happy sigh "I'm ready early" I say to myself, I love the feeling of being ready early.


I'm leaving now, you better be ready
read: 11:13

been ready for ages so hurry ur slow ass up
read: 11:13

You have not been ready for ages
read 11:14

have so, now stop texting me and hurry up and get here
read 11:14

yes ma'am🫡
read 11:15

I hear Maddy beep her car horn outside of my house, I grab my phone and I run downstairs and walk outside. I walk over to her car and get in the front seat "Ahhhh I missed you bitch" she grabs me and wraps her arms around me and gives my cheek a peck "i missed you too" Maddy and I have been best friends since she was 13 and I was 11, we used to be neighbours and whenever her parents would fight she would always come to mine and we would lay on my trampoline and talk about running away to a beach where they served nothing but chocolate strawberries and raspberry slushies and ever since then we've been inseparable, i love her with my whole heart and I would do anything for her and she would do anything for me. "Ugh Nate is such a cunt" she groans as her phone is being blown up with texts and I just know they're from Nate "he thinks I'm going out with another guy today" she rolls her eyes as we stop at a red light, "speaking of going out with a guy today, Ash asked me who I was going out with today and if it was a guy" I shake my head and laugh, Maddy laughs and looks at me "whatd you say back" she looks back at the road as the light turns green and we drive off "I didn't say anything, i havent even opened the message" She gasps "does little ashy have a crush on you" she mocks him calling him Ashy "no never, hes my bestfriend" I think about Ash having little romantic feelings for me and i feel a warm feeling in my stomach " you should tease him" she smirks as she parks her car next to the beach" I look at her confused "what do you mean" I let out a confused laugh as i look at her devilish smile "have you not heard of the trend going around where you send your boyfriend or someone a text saying 'shes busy bro'" my eyes go wide " what" I laugh at the idea "come onnn do it y/n" I think about it for a second and I would like to see his reaction, I smirk "okay let's do it.

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