Rolling in the deep

722 6 5

Request for @tatiannaispretty, Thankyou sm for the request and I hope you like it <3

Word count: 2.9k +


"WERE YOU WITH HER ALL DAY, WHEN WE WERE MEANT TO BE HANGING OUT?" I scream in my boyfriends face, anger taking over me as he hesitates to reply "I waited all fucking day for you, checking my phone every second seeing if you called or texted, but no you couldn't even text me" He rolls his eyes "I can have friends which are girls y/n" I laugh and shake my head " you can have other friends which are girls but don't fucking stand me up" 

There's a fire starting in my heart

Reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing' me out the dark

Finally I can see you crystal clear

Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your shit bare

Ashtray and I had planned today that we were going to have a movie day and watch all our favourite movies together and cuddle all day but he never showed up, and I knew he was out with this one girl he keeps texting. I have a bad feeling something is going on because whenever we're together he leaves to go answer her facetime and this isn't the first time he's cancelled plans to hangout with her.

"Do you love me anymore?" I ask as I raise my head from my feet to look at my boyfriend "yes of course I do.." it felt like someone had poked my heart with a toothpick "am I the only one you love?" tears well in my eyes, I know I am not the only one my boyfriend longs for "n-no" I hear him speak softly as his head drops. My sadness is turned into rage "did you cheat on me" I spoke loudly as I walked over to my boyfriend "I didn't mean too" I was taken back for a second but then my brain clouds with anger "after everything I've fucking done for you" he looks at me with a sorry look "I know baby I don't know why" my face is meet with his, I stare into his brown eyes then I push him forcefully "I FUCKING HATE YOU" I push him again "IF YOU LOVED ME YOU SHOULD'VE BROKEN UP WITH ME INSTEAD OF CHEATING" again I push him " stop pushing me baby" hearing the word baby coming out of his mouth knowing he's been calling another girl it hurts me even more "don't call me baby" "look y/n I don't blame you for being mad or upset but please let me fix this" a little bit of hope jumped into my heart but I was too angry to give in yet " we're done" I turn away facing his bedroom door and wipe my eyes. "We're not over, please y/n" I hear Ashtray take a deep breath in "don't throw it all away y/n" I turn around "me throwing it away? YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON ME" I look at his face, he then turns to the wall and punches a hole into it yelling loudly "we're done, you lost me" I sigh as I open his bedroom door and walk to the front door but then Ash's footsteps were heard "please don't leave, please don't stop loving me" I scoff " you can't cheat on me then tell me not to stop loving you" tears roll down my cheeks, he runs his hands over his face and I look at his bloody knuckles and I feel slight sympathy for him "I'll never stop loving you but you cheated and I don't deserve that" I walk out the door closing it behind me.

See how I'll leave with every piece of you

Don't underestimate the things that I will doThere's a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch and it's bringin' me out the dark

Its the next day and I'm getting ready for school, I am dreading it horrifically but mama wouldn't let me stay home. It isn't that bad since Ash doesn't go to school so I wont have to see his face so early after the break up, but the girl he cheated with is in most of my classes. 

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