~·04~·Marcy and Viktor·~

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My name is Marcy Gold, I have a Brother named Viktor he's a lazy idiot! I always work for the king- and after that horrible chase from that theif Zoe I honestly hope she was dead. I always worked for Jasper being his maid and his Cook and just getting on his beck and call. Until one day, Jasper wasn't eating nor sleeping I asked him and told him to stop hurting himself but he ignored me "Sir Jasper" I said one day "What?" He responded coldly "Sir Hendrik is here to talk to you..." Jasper scoffs as Hendrik gives me a soft nod I smile sadly as I walk out..

That was the last I worked for Jasper

I heard screaming and yelling and things getting thrown about, then I saw Jasper leave I chase after him and I grab his arm "S-Sir?" He shoves me away and I fall he looks at me with pure anger in his eyes and I tear up he leaves and never came back.. I get up with the help of Sir Hendrik. I sigh as he looked at me "You alright?" I nod "What happend to him?" I ask Hendrik he looks away "Hes just upset about the Darkspwan" I sigh as he looks at me "Go home Marcy you deserve it" I nod and leave.
I go to the house and I see my good for nothing brother asleep! I walk over and slap his face "OW!" He looks at me "What the hell Marcy?!" I roll my eyes "Oh don't what the hell me! You havent done shit these past few weeks!!!" My brother looked at me with cold upset eyes "I havent done anything bc you wont let me!" I gasp "EXCUSE ME?!I ALWAYS A L W A Y S ASK FOR HELP AND YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING YOURE AS WORTHLESS AS A SLIME!!" he looked at me with pure anger and Hatred "Well then if I'm just as worthless as a slime maybe I should just Hop on outta this wretched place!" I look at him with confusion then he pushes me to the side and leaves the house "Viktor! You leave these walls and you will NEVER come home!" My brother looked at me with a pained look he then smiled and laughed "Then enjoy being lonely Sister because I will never come back!" He then turned around and left, I back away and close the door I then fall to my knees and sob my own brother left me because of how angry I had become.
Days, Weeks Pass and I sit in my house every day empty I haven't eaten nor slept because I wait and wait for my brother... Well I was done waiting, I got up from my bed and I grabbed my cloak my Bo and I head off, I leave the gates and start off my adventure.

That was a month ago I am now walking around Puerto Valor looking and searching for my brother when I see this red haired chick, I walk over and ask her "Excuse me?" She turns "Yes! How may I help you ma'am?" I smile softly "Have you seen a man? Hes Taller then me but wears blue and has the same hair color as me?" She looks at me and then thinks "Hmmmm... I havent seen anyone by that description not that I know yet!" I sigh "Thank you ma'am" she grabs my shoulder and smiles "Hey you'll find him! I'm sure you will!!!" I look at her hope gleaming in her eyes I then smile and nod "Thank you" I then walk off I hope to see that girl some day. I walk and walk and walk until I run into a party there were two brunettes a Blue haired boy and two blondes sisters possibly, I walk over and I tap the taller Brunette "Excuse me..." He looks at me and i smile "Hello uhm have you seen a male? Hes taller then me wears the same color of blue as me and has the same hair color as me-" The Taller Brunette shakes his head and I sigh "Thank you kind sir" I then walk off from the Party, More weeks pass and I'm wandering around Aimlessly until I hear something i grab my Bo Staff and I look behind me to see my brother except his hair was longer and his eyes were now red "V-Viktor?" I back up as he walks closer to me "The Darkness has given me new found power, now I shall show you who is Useless~!!" I gasp and I run off as he chases after me, I run and Run and run until my legs collapse I fall and im on the edge of the cliff I look back and my brother slowly walks over to me he raises his sword but before he could swing the cliff breaks off and I fall with the rock I see his eyes flash then him scream "MAR!!" I close my eyes and except my fate... I hit the freezing cold Water below me and I stay there until I wash up.

I wake up and im in a small Inn i look around to see people taking care of me I get up and groan "W-Where am i?" They look at me "You're in Lonalulu!" I gasp and Remeber then I get up but i fall my leg was broken "N-No way..." I sigh as I get up and sit back down "How did you find me?" I ask someone and they laugh "We found you washed up on the beach! You poor girl! You didn't deserve that!!" I sigh and then laugh "I-I guess... Ngh" I grab my leg and they lay me down "Now rest dear you need it for later" I nod and I close my eyes, As soon as i close my eyes I see him my brother about to swing at me with full force, then I see myself falling and falling until i hit the water... I sigh as I keep my eyes close and I rest.

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