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My name is Tanya Evergreen, I live in Puerto Valor I just help the locals there while training with The Don! Gosh Mr Rodrigo is a very hard working man but it helps me get muscles so I can do heavy lifting. One day as I'm putting a box down I hear someone "Excuse me?" I turn "Yes! How may I help you ma'am?" I smile softly as the woman sighs "Have you seen a man? Hes Taller then me but wears blue and has the same hair color as me?" She looks at me as I think "Hmmmm... I havent seen anyone by that description not that I know yet!" She sighs again "Thank you ma'am" I grab her shoulder and smile "Hey you'll find him! I'm sure you will!!!" I look at her hope gleaming in my eyes she then smiles and nods "Thank you" she then walks off I hope to see that girl some day. I sigh as I keep working... I look and I begin to finish.

As the days pass I begin to work and work and work as hard as I could I made good gold and my training was complete... Until that day, I look up to see my mentor Don Rodrigo limping I rush over and help him "Sir! What happend?!" He grunts as he mumbles "Danm monsters attacked a poor girl..." I look at him "Sir... You shouldve been more careful..." He smiles "I know dear i know- you sound like my wife ha ha" he chuckles then frowns as I bring him inside I grab some bandages and I begin to bandage him up and heal him with the magic I have "...all better- ish" I then sigh as Mr. Rodrigo looks at me "Tanya-" I look at him "Yes sir?" He smiles "Dont be so formal- call me Papi after all that is who i am-" I sigh "Sorry I'm not use to it but what do you need...?" He smiles sadly "I need you to find my son.. Norberto" my heart shatters "N-Norberto..? B-but he's been missing for god knows how long- now am I suppose to find him?!" He grabs my hand "Family knows family so when he sees you he'll know-" I sigh as I then nod "Alright Papi! Why do I need to find him?" I look at him with a small confused look on my face he laughs "Because dear Tanya i need to see him just because i miss my son..." My confusion turns into a smile "I knew it- I knew you missed him!! HAHAH" he rolls his eyes and then sits up I help him and he grabs my hand again "Please if you do see him tell him Papi wants to see you" I nod then I walk to my house it was right across mr. Rodrigos house, as I walk I hear some commotion and I look and I see monsters I gasp and grab my claws and rush over I jump and slash at the monsters they fall and I land I look back and I rush over to a smaller blonde girl "Are you ok?" She growls "IM PERFECTLY FINE! I COULD HAVE FOUGHT THEM MYSELF!!" I step back and I hit someone's chest I look and gasp It was Norberto my face flushed red as I look at him "N-Nor.." he covers my mouth "It's Sylvando darling~" my face goes even more red as I look into his grey eyes I then nod as he lets go of my mouth and walks away, I grab his hand "Sylvando wait... Uhm... Your father wanted you to talk to him.." Sylvando looks at me and sighs "fine... Only if you are coming with me" I nod and we leave the Party for a minute.

Sylvando and I walked to the house I hug his arm and he walks in I follow after, When we walk in Mr. rodrigo looks over and gasps "T-Tanya when i told you to get him 3 minutes ago I didn't know you could get him that quick!!" I laugh "no sir! I just saved the people and I saw him!" Mr. Rodrigo stands up and looks at Norberto he gulps and I grab his hand "Papi.. i-" Mr. Rodrigo hugs him and he tears up "P-Papi?"  He clings onto Sylvando and smiles "You're safe.. that's all that matters!" Mr. Rodrigo smiles and then laughs as Sylvando smiles "So what did you want to talk about Papi?" He looks at him and Mr. Rodrigo smiles "I want you to take Tanya out in the world.. maybe put a ring on her" I look at him in surprise "Sir.... I-i have to protect the town and and-" Mr. rodrigo touches my lips with his finger "Go.. save the world with my son.. then later you can live here with my grandbabies" my face turns red then I nod as he smiles, he then puts his hand down and leaves to the bed Sylvando looks at me and I smile awkwardly he grabs my hand and takes me to the party. He clears his throat and the party looks over "Darlings this is my girlfriend! Tanya!" I wave as the party wave back and shake my hand..

We leave Puerto Valor and I look at Sylvando as we walk he looks at me and kisses my cheek

I'm madly in love with Mr. Rodrigo's son

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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