The Palace

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Kai got out of his bed and found Nya in the corridor. Nya was as restless as he was. ¨I just don't get it Nya!¨ Kai said, ¨we have been looking for proof for years now. Why can't we find it?!¨ Nya sighed, ¨I don't know Kai, but I know Chen's up to something and it's our duty to figure out what.¨ Kai nodded and the two continued walking. The young royals made it to their parents chambers, where they had questions they wanted answers to. ¨Dad,¨ Kai asked, what is going on with this contest?¨ The two adults looked at each other and Ray began, ¨Children, we have discovered we may have been duped, and you children may not be the true heirs to the throne after all.¨ Ray and Maya looked at their kids worriedly, but Kai and Nya simply nodded, having expected something like this to be happening. Ray then continued, ¨Chen must have blackmailed the true heir into staying quiet, so your mother and I decided to hold a contest so we might figure out who the heir is before Chen does.¨ ¨We would like you kids to keep an eye  Chen, we don't trust him.¨ Kai and Nya agreed and left, coming upon Skylor i the castle corridor. Skylor was Chen's daughter, and was forced to go along with most of the sourcerors evil plots. Skylor was a Nymph like her father, an absorbtion nymph, having the power to copy and use other races natural abilities temperaraly. ¨Please let us help you.¨ Kai said, Skylor having turned down the siblings help for years now. ¨It's nice of you too offer,¨ Skylor said, ¨But I can take care of myself. ¨Kai sighed, he wished Skylor would learn to except help. Surely, even she could see she was being used. Kai then saw Chen out of the corner of his eye and followed him, learning he was Rigging the whole thing to put Skyler on the throne and use her like a puppet. Kai had tried to tell Lloyd about his concerns, but his best friend seemed to trust Chen. Kai left as soon as he could and the two royals waited in the throne room as the would be royals were presented to the royal family. Kai and Nya went first, then did Lloyd and Skylor, also living in the palace. Hutchens then announced the others. Now pronouncing Lady Pixal, Lady Vania,  Lord Shade Lord Benthomar, Lord Morro, Counts Scott and Unagami." Kai sighed heavily. He knew his parents had to invite more respected races, but they said they were trying to help the others on the list. When Hutchins announced the last three names though, no one entered at all. The siblings exchanged a glance, and then went out in the hallway, where they saw three boys who a maid was attempting to coax into entering. They could see one boy had white skin and blond hair frosted with ice, and one had green skin and a scar splitting his forehead. A Snow fairy and a Ghost, but they couldn't tell what the third was. Nya saw the maid was very impatient with the three, bossing them about and she was having none of that at the moment. "They are our guests! You should be treating them  with respect!" The maid then looked embarrassed and left, leaving Kai and Nya with the three boys. "Are you okay?" Kai asked in an uncharacteristically gentle tone of voice
and the boys scouted back in fear. But when the youngest boy looked up, he gasped and nudged the other two, who seemed flabberghasted. Who seemed like the oldest began to speak nervously, "My is Zane, and these are my brothers in all but blood Jay and Cole." "It's nice to meet you guys," Kai said. "My name is Kai and this is my. sister Nya." Jay quivered and then whispered " S..sorry you..r h.highmesses , I don' t mean to be a b.. burden." That made Kai frown a bit, and whe helped Cole up, Nya doing the same with Jay and Zane. " None of that, we're all friends here." The youngest boy was a very odd shade of blue, not natural blue like a water nymph, but something else, he also had a glowing blue scar that shot lightning, Kai didn' t know if there was anyone else like him at all. "Are you a hybrid?" Nya asked curiously. It turned out to be the wrong thing to say though, as Cole and Zane were glaring daggers at her and Jay curled up into himself and nodded the word yes. Nya felt terrible and said "I don' t think of you any less because of it," Which made all three boys gasp, and the royal could tell they were through some tough times. With the encouragement of Kai and Nya, the three got up and entered the throne room. Nya could tell Jay wanted to turn back, so she squeezed his hand reassuringly. The people in the throne  began to boo and hiss causing Kai and Nya to glare daggers at them. When the five reached the throne, Hutchens declared, " Presenting Zane Julian, Cole Brookestone, and Jay Walker.     

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