755 40 38

Time Remaining: 70 hours and 47 minutes...

Y/N's P.O.V

24, you counted 24 doors that you and Jisoo had to choose. Your leg stung, and small trails of blood dripped down your leg as you continue to walk through random doors for the last 40ish minutes. The time is draining and each room you enter seems to give a familiar vibe.

A room that resembles your uncle's home, a room that resembles your parent's home, and a room that closely resembles your apartment. But you push the weird feeling away as you pass each door, knowing that if you spent time worrying about it, you won't be able to escape with your friends.

"Left" Jisoo mumbles tiredly as she stares at the two doors.

You look at the doors, frowning "we went left last time, shouldn't we go right? continue to follow our plan of switching." You say.

Jisoo shakes her head "what if that's their plan? We continue to switch directions, we're bound to run into trouble soon" she crosses her arms.

You look at the two doors, "true, but we haven't run into problems yet" you say "if we stick to our plan I'm sure we'll be out in no time!" you smile.

Jisoo sighs loudly "we've gone left right left right for hours! How the hell are we supposed to escape if all we've been doing was going through doors!" she shouts.

You sigh and lean against the wall, silently agreeing with her. Your leg is starting to hurt, a lot, so you decide to take a break and rest before moving on because in truth, you know no idea how many more doors you'll both me walking through.

"Those fuckers are dead when I get my hands on them" Jisoo curses as you take a seat on the couch next to you "they are sick, heartless bastards! Kidnapping us, stabbing Mark and forcing us to play some stupid game in some effort to make us beg for our lives!" Jisoo stomps back and forth in front of the doors as she continues to should.

A part of you believes she's purposely shouting for the boys to hear "I swear when we get out of here, I'll personally lead the police right to their front door and laugh as they get handcuffed, I'll stab them in the leg and toes iron collars around them."

You chuckle as your friend continue to shout empty threats, but you knew you had to calm her down. "Alright, calm down and sit" you say, patting the empty spot beside you. "You'll burst a blood vessel if you continue like that."

Jisoo glares at you but says nothing as she sits down, crossing her arms over her chest with a huff of annoyance. It's silent as both you and Jisoo stares at the doors, thinking.

Thinking of a way to get out of the maze of doors.

Thinking of a way out of the mansion.

As you thought of ways to escape you felt a small vibration beneath you, at first you didn't notice thinking it was the couch shaking as Jisoo shakes her leg nervously.

You ignored it at first, until it became worst "Jisoo, stop shaking your leg, it's shaking the couch" you say in thought.

It's silent for a second "Y/n. I'm not shaking my leg" she says.

Confused you look at her and notice her leg is in fact, not shaking. The couch was shaking. The shaking grew worst and worst and both you and Jisoo tightly held onto the arms of the couch "what's happening?" Jisoo asks as she clings to your arm.

"I'm not sure," you say, just as you finish the shaking stops and a sigh of relief left Jisoo. But just as fast as it stops the cushion beneath you disappears and you can feel yourself falling. The feeling of Jisoo holding your arm fades.

72 HOURS (a BTS horror au)Where stories live. Discover now