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Jin's pov

I let out a sigh as I leaned back in my chair. I'm holding a beer as my eyes scan across the many camera screens in front of me, searching for the two boys as well as keeping an eye on our sleeping girl.

"You told her everything?" Jungkook asks from the couch behind me.

"She had the right to know, it was her past after all," Yoongi replies calmly as he grabs a beer from the fridge.

Jungkook sighs, his head rolling back to lay against the top of the couch. "Honestly why not knock her out and get out of here? Times running out their heads will blow up and tada no witnesses.

"You are far too young to understand" Hoseok teases, sitting on the desk next to me with a beer of his own.

"Too young?" Jungkook asks, with a dark undertone.

"These players are not like the last," Taehyung says as he leans against the wall. "These boys managed to survive a lot of a shit we threw at them. It even took a lot to kill the girl. If we leave there's a possibility those boys will make it out alive and they know what we look like."

"Tae is right" Yoongi sips his beer. "We cannot risk the police finding us."

"Then why not kill them now?!" Jungkook groans in frustration.

"Because there's no fun in that," Hoseok smirks.

I lean back in my chair, sipping my beer as my eyes continue to scan the many screens in front of me, the other's voices fade to the back of my mind.

"It's playing games that got Namjoon and Jimin killed. If we continue to play this game we'll all be dropping dead." Jungkook reminds them with a loud sigh

"Y/n is locked in a room, she's chained to the bed. We have the only key. There's no way she can escape us. Plus we only have less than a day left before their heads blow off." Hoseok laughs, as he sips his beer.

"Enough." My voice echoes the room. I lean in close, taping a screen to enlarge it. "They found her"


The Boy's POV

Lucas and Mark had been stumbling around for hours when they stumbled upon a door. "God this place smells horrible," Lucas says, scrunching his nose in disgust as he looks around the large area. They seem to be in a room that resembles a living room.

"What is this place?" Mark asks as Lucas continues to help Mark walk. 

"A living room?" Lucas asks. 

"So what, we're in like a house?" Mark asks as Lucas helps him sit down on a couch. Mark relaxes and lets out a sigh, thankful to be off his feet. 

"A mansion actually," Lucas replies as he stretches his arms over his head. He could hear his bones crack and relief fills his body as the tension leaves. 

"Haha, smartass" Mark rolls his eyes, before laying his head on the back of the couch. "We've been walking for hours." 

Lucas looks down at his watch just as the time changes. "We have about 23 hours remaining." he sighs as he puts his arm down to his side and looks around the living room. There are doors leading in different directions. "I'm also assuming we'll need to pick a door and hope it doesn't lead to death." 

Mark just huffs, not opening his eyes. "I'm tired of this. Y/n is missing and Jisoo is dead." His voice is low, a hint of sadness and anger mixed in with it. 

"Don't worry, I'm sure Y/n is fine. We'll find her. Then we'll get out of here, get help and come back for Jisoo, just like how we agreed." Lucas says, trying to reassure his friend. 

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