Aftermath of Sexual Abuse (Trigger warning: major)

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He wants power. He wants control.
It's why he does what he did.
But he'll get off with parole
With his reputation not undid.

He takes what he can get.
He takes what he wants.
This event, you will never forget
Until another one fronts.

Taking away something so special
Something you can't give back.
There will be a reprisal
There is no life hack

Take what you want if you can't get it when you ask
Take what you want without thinking of others.
Do it as though you've been given a task.
As though it never bothers.

That's what she was thinking that day.
Because of her recent trauma.
Everyone had no idea what to say.
Hopefully, he will get karma.

Cry, crying is all she can do
Die, die is what she desires
There is never a feeling of "phew"
The feeling never tires.

Take what you want, what you feel you need
Without consequences for your actions.
Tell me, what urge did it feed?
Why does this always happen?

Tell her what to do to make you stop.
To make you stop the bad things that you do.
The urge to die may go to the top
Change my emotions' hue

Do you feel bad for your behavior,
That you harmed a little girl?
She wants to find a savior...
She wants to hurl

She was used to your touch and caressing of her neck.
She's hushed to the thoughts that follow the event
You always say "just a peck"
You never take a hint.

You harmed a young child and took her innocence away
What pleasure did it bring you?
Knowing you'll never play
That you're a bad person too.

She wants to stay calm and to feel safe
She wants to sleep well without nightmares of your acs
You usually quicken up the pace,
Which increases the impact.

What you do makes her think of death
Thinking death will treat her better.
She wants to take her final breath
You are a trauma setter.

What you did was the worst thing
The worst thing one can ever partake in
Did you know she tried hanging
For quite a long min?

She's dead now you see. Don't you understand?
Because of what you did to her
Her body is now nothing more than dead ash or sand.
For her death and trauma, there is no cure.

I know you don't regret your actions.
Because you've done it to many more.
But you know they'll be no repercussions
You know it's wrong deep in your core

Poetry for teenagers and older By Lin RavenWhere stories live. Discover now