Fourth of July

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It's the fourth of July, but what is there to celebrate?
The birth of a country with patriarchal abilities.
This is not a country left up to fate.
Our country sure has a lot of specialties

The day when the declaration of independence was signed
But the history of America is unhappy
We are not a country of a special kind
Nor a country meant to be sappy.

So many holidays about the historical value of the U.S.A.
July the 4th and Thanksgiving are just a few.
Even veteran holidays are in play
Because up, up, those soldiers flew.

What is there to celebrate while we're losing our rights?
Women rights and indegonous values are some of the major issues.
Do we really need to protest peaceful fights?
While the government continues to refuse.

Rights, rights to get an abortion or to get married.
Fights, fights to get our rights back.
It keeps going on through the news feed
For rights for women, white or black

Give us our rights right this moment
We will not back down quickly
Young soldiers have chosen to be sent
We will not scream or plea

You can't play with our generation after all that we've done.
We've bullied a serial killer into turning Themselves in, chased killer clowns for fun and bullied a president.
Much of this was done just for fun.
None of it was hesitant.

We the people of the United States, in order to perform a more perfect union.
This means that we want a truly free nation, one where our rights are protected.
We want to be one true, free, loving nation.
We want our nation, our country, to be perfected.

Poetry for teenagers and older By Lin RavenWhere stories live. Discover now