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    Eda and Y/N arrive at the owl house and sit at the dining table. Eda makes Y/n some apple blood tea. "So, what brings you back to the isle?" Eda asked as she prepared the kettle, filling it with water and placing it on the stove, "Is Daviar with you?"
    "I ran away, so my father isn't with me, no."
    "Why'd you run?"
    "It's hard to explain."
    "Well, we have till Luz gets home."
    "Luz? As multi-color school uniform Luz?"
    "Yeah, you know her?"
    "Well, I might've lied to her about going to Hexside and that I'm from here."
    "Huh, my goody-goody little witch is a little snake," Eda pinched Y/N's cheeks and cooed at them. Y/N rolled their eyes and lightly slapped her hands off them.
    "So she lives here?"
    "Yeah, she's from the human realm. We've been trying our hardest to get her home, but we haven't found a way yet."
    "She's a human?! Oh wow, you think she has contact with giraffes?"
    "Yeesh, I hope not. Buncha freaks they are," Eda shuddered.
    Y/N laughed but they quickly became serious, fiddling with their thumbs as they prepared their truth, "Well I ran away because I was scared."
     This piqued Eda's interest, nothing used to scare Y/N- even as a child. "Of?"
    "My parents. They- they told me something and said on the next blood moon I was- I was going to die."
    Eda was flabbergasted, "What?"
    "Eda I'm not a real witch, I'm a-"

    The front door slammed open and in stepped a cute little demon with 1 and a half horns. Eda gave Y/N a 'we'll talk about this later' look. "Hey, King. You ok?" Eda asked.
    "Yeah, I'm fine, I tripped on my way here so I'm a little upset," King said.
    "Do you need a bandaid?"
    "Nope, I'm good. I'll be in my room."
    "Right, see you, pipsqueak."

    "What do you plan to do here?" Eda asked Y/N.
    "I don't know, I don't have anywhere to go. And I can't go back home, kind of stole a boat to get here."
    "You can stay with me, when Luz gets home we'll talk about you sharing a room with her. If she says no we can set up a mattress in my room or you can sleep on the couch. Also, you stole a boat?!"
    "Yeah, I know, I know it's against the rules-"
    "No, shush! I'm so proud," Eda gushed, "I'm loving this new Y/N."
    "Well the last time you saw me I was 7 so obviously I have grown personality-wise,"
   "Yeah but it's so different! I remember you running up to me reporting kids pushing each other at the playground expecting me to step in like some crime fighter," Eda laughed as Y/N rolled their eyes. The kettle screamed, Eda got out a cup and put a bag of apple blood tea in it, and poured the fresh boiling water in it. 
    "Well yeah, you were my mother figure. I looked up to you, I still do but you were truly my anchor when I was little."
    Eda smiled and handed Y/N the apple blood tea, "Heh, I never pegged myself as a maternal figure. I was going for more of a wine aunt but ok."
    "I'm sure Luz sees you the same way I do."
    "Maybe," Eda said, a lightbulb lit in her brain, "Hey, idea! What if we visit Bumpipoo and try to get you enrolled in Hexside! So then you wouldn't be lying to Luz!"
    "I don't know, Eda, I don't do good in schools."
    "I mean you'll be able to study multiple tracks this time, right? I'm sure Bump would also appreciate a visit from his favorite student."
    "If you think this is a good call then yeah, I'll become a student at Hexside."
    "Atta kid. Owlbert!" Eda's magic staff came flying in at an undeterminable speed it landed right in Eda's hand. 
    "I'll never stop being amazed at how cool that is."
    "Just think of the property damage," Eda laughed. The two went outside and sat on the staff, it taking off at an instant. Y/N wasn't prepared for how fast it was going so they almost fell off,      "Woah, kid, I flew you on this every day! Don't die on it now." Eda grabbed Y/N's arm and pulled them back on. 
   "I haven't flown on a staff in years, I think I'm going to be sick," Y/N said. Their hands quickly moved to cover their mouth as a wave of nausea went through their body. 
    "Away from the staff, please!" Eda said.

    The two continued to fly through Bonesborough eventually Y/N got used to the feeling of flight and didn't even throw up!..surprisingly. Eda and Y/N arrive at Hexside, Y/N took a deep breath to calm their nerves as the two entered. Eda led Y/N straight to the office. 
    "I think we went here for an elementary field trip, Darius gave a whole speech on the coven systems and what not."
    "What do you think of the system?"
    "Well I think it's useless and magic should be a piece of broad knowledge and not just one specific talent. Don't even get me started on how it causes power dynamics and bullying! I mean what's so wrong with being a bard? Bards can do amazing things," Frustration towards the subject matter continued to fill Y/N as they continued their rant.
    "There's nothing wrong with being in the bard coven. Bards are pretty cool."
    "See! I used to get bullied for my track at my old school, they said it wasn't 'cool' magic. Kinda stung, but whatever." Eda patted Y/N on their shoulder, she used to know someone who went through the same struggle. 
    "Oh look, we're here."

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