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"Okay, lets get you powered" Izu said to himself, as he eyed his new creation. It was a furry suit, the fur looked perfect, the cybernetics all returned positive and the runic pathways all looked correct. "Power generation, online. Preliminary sytems, online. Actuator systems, online. Life support, Online. Visor, Online. Heat disapation systems, online. Performing Power On Self Test..." With every readout from the suit's speaker, Izu got more and more excited, will today be the day? The day he finally achieves his dream? Thoughts begin to race through Izu's mind, 'If today is that day, I can finally began my new life.'

Izu is already bubling with excitement as the suit completes it's POST. "POST complete. Syncronisastion, pending" the suit says, immediatly Izu jumps into a full blown sprint, running toward the special closet just outside his large workshop. So excited he has already put on the linksuit and is sprinting back before he even knows he's reached the closest. Izu tries to pace himself, but is struggling to contain all that excitement welled up inside of him. He opens the diagnostic software on his computer, a software he specifically built for what he was about to do, placed it in record mode, and then with bated breath. Jumped on top of the workbench and slowly put the suit, which was still connected to it's external support, on. He pushed his legs in, then quickly followed with his arms, then he put his visor on and did the zip up. "Syncronisation starting" with those words, Izu knew he was only moments away from his dream. The external connections disconnected, and Izu was able to walk, while the sync did it's thing. Suddenly an intense spell of vertigo hit him, he fell to the ground and blacked out.


Izu was weird person. Socially isolated, anxious and most important of all, he was as nerdy as a nerd can be. Izu had always wanted to leave his body behind, he felt betrayed by it. He could barely stand his own skin. He didn't want to be human, well, not human in a human body at least. That is why has spent the last ten years cooped up in his workshop. working on his pet project. A suit, that when worn could syncronise with the wearers body, and give natural movemts to non human characters in films or at least that is what he told the bank in order to get them to fund his project. Izu was a special person, being the only human at that point in time, to master 2 distinct phenomona. Micro Technology, and Magical Technology. Although Izu would rather call them MicroTech and Magitech. You see, Izu was one of few who realised the potential cybernetics could have if they were infused with this new found Magitech. Usually, Magitech and MicroTech don't go well together, and well that is true. But Izu soon learned that the reason less about an inablity to be compatiable and more about one being priortised over the other. As usual though, nobody believed him. He was low on funds. This was his last chance, and if the suit didn't work this time, the only way he'd be able to procure the funds to make a new one, would be to promise that he only used Magitech.


When Izu returned to being awake he had no idea what had just happened. Though that didn't matter much. as he soon realised something was different. He had expected the suit to disable it self, but it was abundantly clear it was still online. He felt weird, like he couldn't feel himself. But he knew he felt something. As he slowly turned his head towards the mirror that had fallen on it's side, he froze. What was looking back at him wasn't Izu, It was a fox, with 3 tails, laying on it's side. It had worked. He was now looking and feeling through the suit, he was sure of it. The Kitsune suit was working! "Are you alright?" The unexpected voice caught Izu by suprise. Startled, He got up off the ground and was relieved to find Proton holding a fire extinguisher, worried about him. "Don't worry Proton, I'm Fine."

"Are You sure?" The protogen countered, "You were out for 5 hours"

"I was? - wait - Why are holding a fire extinguisher?"

"At the same time you collapsed, The power went out and the generator caught fire."

Izu went wide-eyed as he realised the implication of what proton had just said. He quickly went to check his laptop, it was still on, although the screen was damaged. He just knew that something had happened to the data. Because the clock had stopped. it was 3 hours behind.

"Proton, Is the suit damaged?"

"Yes, but before you panic, it is only minor singing of some of the fur. I knew you were in it when I barged in, so I used the extingusher to protect you."

"Aww Proton, You didn't hav-"

"I will never let anything bad happen to my creator." Proton interjected

"Aww... You make me blush" Izu replied,

Proton responded by rubbing his head against the Kitsune's, "Of course I do, I love you after all", Proton said in a cheecky but loving voice. "Did it work?"

"Yes it did Proton. I felt it."

"Great, looks like the syncro has been completed successfully then" Proton boasted in a triumphiant voice.

"Wait..." Izu soon realised those implications of what Proton just said, His suit had worked! It was functioning! It was moving with him, as if the suit was his natural body. He hadn't even realised that he had been standing digigrade all this time, He didn't even notice the difference in his senses, it was pitch black but he could see as if it was daylight. Excitement was bubling up inside of him. He got into a playful mood and starting posing in front of the mirror. He could twitch those ears and move as if he really was a kitsune, apart from the blackened and singed fur he looked just like the real thing, It seems that the smoke had even diversified the colours of his fur, making him look even more realistic. He began think about how amazing it'd be, To live life as a real kitsune. Images of Kitsune flooded his mind. Then for a few short seconds, the palacite pathways underneath the fur glew brighter than ususal before he blacked out and fell, Proton just catching the Izu's fall.

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