Season 4: 3# The Time Wasters

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The year is 1981, Curt and Roland are now being interviewed by Jerry, now known as Mr Tan.

Jerry: So, I'm gonna interview you 2 because I'm gonna graduate around next year and I need some new leaders to look after the team.

Roland: How are we eligible to become leaders?

Jerry: Well, you have all powers, right? All the elements and power types?

Curt: I thought I could only move water.

Jerry: But I also saw you moving the ground, shooting fire and fly. You guys seem really powerful.

Curt: But I just got diagnosed with OCD and ADHD, I don't think I would be eligible. I believe Roland would.

Roland: I don't think so either. I've been depressed at a young age ever since my parents split.

Jerry: Neither of those matter when it comes to leadership, in fact, neither of our teammates would mind. Okay, no matter what your doubts are, welcome to the Zodiac heroes. You're also gonna be in charge while I'm away.

Curt: We're going to move dorms?

Jerry: Yup. And you're gonna meet your teammates.

Roland: Cool.

End of flashbacks...

Zach's POV

After our quick chat and the rain stopped, we decided to go to the library and then visit the Roman Baths after that. Just to do some research on the Time Eaters, or what Roland called them, the Time Wasters. Cuz apparently, all they do is eat up time which is wasting our time.

Zach: So, which way is the nearest library?

Roland: Did you install a GPS app?

Zach: Yup. Just type in where you wanna go and them Aren would guide you there.

Curt: Didn't know she could get smarter through the years.

Aren: And the constant upgrades Zach's been giving me.

Zach: That's right. Okay Aren, what is the nearest library to-

Roland: I already know the nearest library from here, I just wanted to know the directions.

Aren: I'll tell you the directions, just let me calculate where you currently are and then I'll tell you.

Curt: Smart.

We began walking from where we are and followed the directions Aren gave us. After quite a long walk, we finally reached the library which also happened to be Zodiac-friendly. We got in and I felt amazed that this library is larger than our library back in Cambridge.

Zach: Woah.

Curt: They renovated it recently.

Jonah: It felt like Silicon Valley at this point.

Curt: You know that place?

Jonah: Yeah, I stayed in California for quite some time after living in Minnesota before shifting to Australia.

Karl: Do they have a book about those 'time wasters.'

Ronald: Yeah, while I was searching for the book that changed Curt and I's lives. The Primal Scream.

Luke H: The hell's that?

Mat: A trauma-based psychotherapy created by Arthur Janov, who argues that neurosis is caused by the repressed pain of childhood trauma. John Lennon was famously a patient of that.

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