Season 2: 4# Aimsey Vs. Tubbo

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Author's note:

A quick reminder that Aimsey goes by any pronouns so you'll see characters referring to them as either they/them, she/her or he/him. Okay, that's it for the reminder, enjoy the story.

Toby's POV

The duel had just begun and I could feel my anger and adrenaline rising up. As Aimsey was going to shoot her Water-based powers but I blocked them. I used whatever power I have to attack him. But at the same time, I'm starting to tear up for some reason but I'm going insane. I dunno what to do at this point.

Cass: Someone tell me why is he violently attacking Aimsey.

Bill: Wait what?

Aimee: How do I fight back? He's so strong!

Tommy: He's a Zodiac Leader, I dunno how can normal Zodiac heroes fight the Leader.

Bill: Aimsey! Use a strategy, try to predict whatever power he's using and then use your own powers against him!

Aimee: I don't have telepathy.

Zach: Each power is based on a certain martial art, Flexible for Air, Flowing for Water, Tough for Earth and Violent for Fire.

Niki: Just do what you can.

I continued fighting Aimsey until they have enough power to unleash against me. I blindly fought back and now I'm starting to realise that our fight is becoming meaningless now. I am just blinded by my own grief and shock that Andrew still survived his execution.

Zach's POV

While I was watching Tubbo and Aimsey duelling, I'm starting to feel like this fight is pointless. But all I could do is watch, I'm the one who thinks that duelling to get your emotions out was a good idea. But I feel like it's not anymore, I dunno why. When I took a glance at the duel, I'm starting to feel bad. We might need to get them both to therapy at this point.

Ryan L: Zach, you okay?

Zach: Starting to feel like this fight is pointless now.

Ryan L: What do you mean?

Zach: Violence isn't the option when you wanna take your emotions out on a teammate. Look at Tubbo, he's starting to get stronger and then he's entering the Spiritual state.

Dylan: Wait, that happens?

Zach: Yeah, it usually happens when we fight Dark spirits.

Taka: Zach, sometimes Light spirits need to get their inner Dark spirit out.

Zach: This one's a bit too far.

Beau: Why didn't you end the duel?

Zach: It's too late now. It seems like Tubbo's gonna win against Aimsey.

Oli: Why didn't they enter the Spiritual state?

Zach: I dunno. God, I regretted making them duel.

Wendy: It's okay, you did what you need to do. At least you prevented a commotion that might happen in the library.

Luke H: Yeah, nobody likes having a commotion in the library.

Calum: Who doesn't?

Tommy: Zach?

Zach: I'm starting to feel Tubbo's insanity more.

Mat: Oh no.

Jim: I don't think there's much we could do right now.

Mei: I don't want to see him go insane like that.

Gerald: Guess he didn't have a choice.

Zach: He's going haywire now.

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