Season 5: 5# Going Home

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After an intense battle between the 80s Zodiac heroes, Curt went out of the Dark Spiritual state but became exhausted he passed out. He woke up lying on the sofa surrounded by his teammates and he noticed a washcloth on his forehead.

Curt: What happened?

Roland: Curt, darling, you passed out.

Curt: How?

Martin: You has a gruesome battle and you entered the Dark Spiritual state and passed out. You were exhausted.

Curt: I don't feel good.

Michael: Did he contract AIDS or something?

Whitney: He didn't.

Roland: He's just ill right now. Wanna go up to your bedroom?

Curt: Sure.

Roland: Want me to carry you? You're not in the right state to walk.

Curt: Okay.

Roland scooped Curt up and carried him to his room.

Kate: Can't believe he's being openly gay.

George: Roland isn't gay, he told me back in dance club that he's bisexual or something? I dunno.

Kate: But still, look at him go.

Dave: You just treated him like a little brother.

Kate: I know.

End of flashbacks...

Zach's POV

We're still in the bus riding through Swansea before we reached the train station. Once we got there, we hopped off as Roland carried Curt as we tried to find a wheelchair. That's when a reception lady spotted us and asked if Curt needed a wheelchair.

Reception lady: Hey, do you guys need a wheelchair?

Aimee: Yes please, we're heading to Cambridge via London and I'm not sure if uncle Curt could survive.

Reception lady: Ah, there's a good hospital for Zodiac heroes like us there.

Zach: We live there too.

Reception lady: I see. It seems like you already booked tickets so now you can go to your platform.

Aimee: Thank you so much.

Reception lady: I'll bring the wheelchair to you.

Dave: It seems like you need an epidural now, Curt.

Roland: Really?

The reception lady got the wheelchair and Roland placed Curt on it. We all thanked her again before heading to our platform that would take us to London. We had to stop in London because there's another station that would take us to Cambridge.

Connor B: Just be careful with that rib, okay? We don't want to displace them more.

Curt: I know. I am still in pain.

Brad: Is it that bad?

Curt: Seems like it, it just hurts.

Eddie: I suggest using ice to reduce the swelling of your rib because broken ribs tend to bruise up.

Curt: How can we have ice when there's no nearby fridge?

Eddie: Dude, I have ice powers, I can help you with that.

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