Chapter 19

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Today, we planned on hanging out with Saph and Chris, but they had to reschedule, because of something, so we decided on tomorrow night at the Luau. Kellin and i are now just exploring around this place. We saw a bunch of cool things. However, I couldn't really focus on all the scenery, becasue I was too busy focusing on Kellin. I smiled at how interested or excited he got over a lot of things.

"You know, this could be really tumblr. Gimme my phone." Kellin said. I nodded and gave it to him. I made sure he was only on the camera app. Once he was done taking pictures of anything, we began walkimg around more.

Soon, it was seven o'clock and we were at the bar. We decided on just regular drink today and nothing with alcohol. Kellin got a virgin margarita and i got a virgin bloody mary. Kellin turned to me and smiled.

"Thanks for this, Vic. I really needed this. It's amazing here and it means a lot." Kellin said.


Last night, Kellin fell asleep with me in my bed. He said he felt kind of lonely, so i let him sleep with me. Not that it bothered me. Now we were getting ready to go to a restaurant with Saph and Chris. Kellin and i got ready within ten minutes. We left the room and saw Saph and Chris waiting. Saph wore a pink, red, and orange sundress and Jesus sandals. Chris wore black shorts and a black tanktop. He was really pale. Even more pale than Kellin. He was really tall too. Taller than Kellin and Kellin is taller than me by like two inches. We all walked to the restaurant and sat at a table of four. A waitress gave us menus and asked us for drinks

"Can you just give us a pitcher of special Piña Colada?" Saph asked. The waitress nodded and walked away. We looked through the menu and eventually ordered food.


The luau came to an end at about 10:30. Saph and Chris looked as if they were drinking lots of energy drinks and the high was barely beginning. Kellin and I, on the other hand, were tired. We said our goodbyes and walked away from the others.

"Vic?" Kellin asked. I let out a 'mhm' to show i was listening. He grabbed my hand and sighed in a tired way.

"Can i sleep with you again?" he asked. I nodded and we walked back to the hotel hand in hand. It was silent, but in a comfortable way. Nothing was needed to be said.

It was that moment i realized, i don't need that plan. Everyday it's sounding so much more cruel of me. I sound selfish. My infatuation with him was huge that i wanted him and i didn't want anyone getting him. Why else would i have composed a whole complex plan? Now, I'm slowly falling for him. This is more than infatuation. I'm really falling for him. So i gotta let him decide. I'll just be the friend he needs and wants and we'll go from there.

"...Vic? Did you hear me?" Kellin asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and saw that we were outside the room. I nodded and got the key out, opening the door. Once the door closed behind us, Kellin removed his shorts and tank top, muttering something about how tired he was. I followed suit and in seconds, we were lying down face to face. Kellin smiled at me and begun leaning in. Then, he kissed me. He kissed me passionately and then turned around, quickly falling asleep.

He kissed me. What?


Sorry for the wait oh my god i feel bad. I got a new phone (that i so desperately needed) so im happy about that.

Didn't proofread.


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