Chapter 2

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It was midnight when I heard a knock on my door. I walked to it and opened it, shocked at who it was. Kellin. It wasn't until a fee seconds later that it clicked. The spell.

"Kellin, come in." I said nicely, stepping to the side to allow him to walk in. He did so and stood in the middle of my  living room.

"Um, sorry to burden you, but my car gave out and it's a little too late to walk into town, I was wondering if I could crash here tonight?" he asked politely.

"Sure, wouldn't want you walking this late at night." I said nicely. He nodded and I saw his eyes go from a soft turquoise/hazel color to a sharp and dark turquoise. He slowly walked up to me and bit his bottom lip, wrapoing his arms around my neck and pulling me into a kiss. I kissed back, his lips leading us into a heated kiss. I put my hands on each hip and pulled him in, letting my tongue slip into his mouth. This felt amazing, weird yet amazing.

Our tongues clashed every once in a while, but for the most part my tongue hit every inch of his mouth. He pulled away and looked me in the eye, a devious smirk was evident in his face.

"How about, we take this into your room and we finish this up." he said. I nodded and grabbed his hand, pulling him into my room. This was unexpected and out of the blue but I'm glad it worked.

We walked into my room and as soon as we were both in, I was being pushed against the door. Kellin's lips crashed into mine, getting caught in another heated kiss. His hands roamed my body and stopped right at the front of my pants, sticking one hand in there and going into my boxers. He began palming me a bit, but soon he pulled his hand out and began unbuckling my belt and pulling down my pants. He also pulled off my shirt, then stepped back looking me up and down. He smirked to himself and walked over to me slowly.

Once he reached me, he pushed me onto the bed and began undressing. Once he was in only his boxers, he straddled me and began grinding his hips into mine a bit. I let out a moan as he moved a bit faster causing some much needed friction. All too soon, he stopped and got off of me and pulled off my boxers.

"You got any stuff?" he asked, his eyes boring into mine. I nodded and pointed at one of the drawers that contained lubricant, condoms, and even a couple He got the stuff and walked over to me, a smirk evident on his face.

"You're all mine tonight, Fuentes." he said as ho bit his lip, exciting me more for the fun we're about to have.


Sorry to cut you off there. So, Happy belated New Years. Hope you guys have a great year ahead of you all. Have you guys listened to 'We Like It Loud' yet? I already downloaded and stuff. Alright bai you kawaii people.

Didn't proofread.


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