Chapter 5

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Ok so in this book, Louis is bi and Harry is pan and thats just a theory: It is in no way based off of their actually sexualities or anything they have said to the media or to the public. 

It is purely for the purposes of the story. I mean no offense to them or their girlfriends, and none of what is occuring between them, their gfs or their love lives is relative to real life. It is purely fiction, and if you have a problem with what is written; look up fiction in a dictionary. 

NOW, lets get into it:

Zayn's POV:

After we took some photos with Stephanie and Chelsea, and gave them some signed ones we have to carry around, I noticed a man with a reporter tag a few rows back. He had a video camera out, as well as his phone, taking photos of us.

There is literally no privacy in this job.

That's when it dawned on me, management was going to be pissed. Louis and Harry hadn't noticed the guy, and they'd been acting all couple-y. There was no way those photos weren't going on the internet.

As the girls walked off, I turned to Lou.

"Tone it down," I muttered "there's a reporter back there, you and Haz need to stop, or Simon will lose his shit."

He frowned, before pulling his hand out off Harry's. He muttered something inaudible to Harry, and put some headphones on as he sat down. Harry swapped seats with Niall, so I had Niall on one side, Liam on the other, and Louis and Harry were at opposite ends.

I warned Li about the reporter as we sat down, and he leaned back instead of on me. I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt that we couldn't be cuddly in public, but the paps are such a pain it wouldn't have been worth it. Would it?

I miss the early days, when we could cuddle and hug and everything, before it was such a big deal. Me and Li are both straight, but we can still cuddle, right? Modest is trying to stop people 'shipping' us, especially "Larry Stylinson". I don't get why its such a big deal, but they hired Eleanor so that people don't think Lou's gay.

Which he isn't entirely, but that's besides the point. Management are keeping him closeted. Actually, that's not entirely true. Way back in 2012, Hazza told us he was pan. By then, all of us knew about Lou, and the two were sort of going out. It was complicated; either way, when management found out they said that they couldn't be together publicly; it would ruin the band.  They said that if one came out, the other couldn't.

I don't get why they think we want a bunch of homophobes for fans, but apparently making money is more important than being ourselves. 

When this all happened, Harry was still eighteen. Lou gave everything up, he said that Haz should come out, and he would 'date' Eleanor. He couldn't come out, so he just kisses Eleanor in public, does a few stunts and its enough to keep Simon from losing the plot, but it doesn't stop the fans from shipping Larry.

The way I see it, once they slip up enough Louis will be essentially out anyways, so management might as well back off. Right now, they've been separated. At public events, concerts, signings, award shows, anything where they could be even the slightest bit obvious; they're separated for. They haven't even done an interview together without the rest of us since that one in Paris where Harry nearly outed them. (seriously tho, that interview i-)

For the most part, the fans were really understanding of Harry. Our sales actually went up once he came out, so maybe, just maybe, Larry could help the band?

I don't know, but by the time I rethink this all in my head, the plane's coming down to land.

I'm just glad to be on the ground; I still haven't been the same since the boys messed with me that first time on a plane.

Loop-de-loop my ass.


Allo allo allo!

we all know which interview don't we? y'know, the one where Haz was like "city of luuuurrrv" and then lou kept repeating it? 

They didnt do one together after that.

Also, ima just reiterate that this is fiction; it in no way resembles zayn's actual thoughts or larry's actual relationship.

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all the love


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