Chapter 35

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TW: Mentions and slight depictions of SH. Take care when reading.

Niall's POV:

As the lift doors open, Harry slams his door. I know immediately that it's him, because its a six-foot man in a black hoodie that's way too tight. It's Louis' hoodie.

But why is he slamming doors? I grab my bag of Nandos from Kyle, a member of our security team, and thank him as I walk to my own room. I'll eat my burger then I'll go see what's up with Harry. Him and Lou just probably had a little fight or something, so I'm in no massive rush.

I carefully pull my double chicken burger with extra cheese out of the bag, and immediately bite into it. 

God, I love Nandos.

I devour the burger, then the fries, and I grab my coke and phone, heading to the Larry room. Once I'm in the hall I signal to Paul that I'm going into Harry's room. He nods to me before rejoining the conversation our security were having.

 I knock gently on the door, to no response. I knock again, but I still can't hear a response, so I slowly open the door. 

"Harry, Lou? Are you in here?"
"Niall, I'm in here. Just... give me one second!" I hear Harry respond from the bathroom.
"Harry, is Lou here?"

I hear a gasp, then a mutter of "shit shit shit", the tap running, a long pause, and then Harry tugs open the door with a wide, and obviously fake, grin.

"Ni! Lou's- Louis is on the tour bus. Whaddaya need?"
"Nothing, just when I got back from Nandos you slammed your door so I was wondering if something happened with Louis-"
"I'm not five, Niall, I don't need to be checked on."
"I know, but you're my best friend and I want to look out for you."

He turns his head to face the floor, tugging on his sleeves, Lou's sleeves.

Then, barely above a whisper.
"Hebrew cup swimming."

"What the fuck is Hebrew cup swimming?" I respond, utterly confused.

"Ni are you fucking deaf?"

"No, you're just being really quiet. What did you say, speak up this time!"

"He broke up with me. Louis broke up with me." Harry's voice cracks, and he begins to sob. I pull him onto the bed and sit down next to him, holding him to my chest, rocking us gently. He grips the front of my white t-shirt like I'm a floatie and he's in the middle of the ocean, like he's drowning and I'm the thing keeping him from sinking.

We just stay there, rocking gently, for a solid fifteen minutes. After the crying's quietened, and the grip's loosened, he pulls away.

"Why the fuck would he do that?" I ask in disbelief.
"He said he's doing it cos he loves me, but he's a fucking liar! Eleanor shows up in six days, and I have to watch them pretend to be in love! Except its not pretend! HE FUCKING LOVES HER MORE THAN ME, I KNOW IT! SHE'S BEEN TRYING TO STEAL HIM FOR YEARS! I HATE HER! I HATE HIM TOO! I HATE HIM FOR MAKING ME THINK HE LOVES ME!"

"He does love-"
"No he doesn't, Niall. Maybe he used to, but not anymore. Not... not now."
"I'm sure there's a-"
"Don't you dare say there's a reason, Niall James Horan, or I swear on my fucking life that I will throw you off the balcony." 

I sigh.

"Do you want me to tell Zayn and Li? So you don't have to?" I ask.
"Yes please." he says in a small voice. There's the Harry I know. No doubt as soon as I get back he'll be apologising for shouting at me.

I stand, promise to be back right away, and walk out, gently shutting the door behind me.


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