Chapter 8

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Third P.O.V.

Ben and Athena were walking around Auradon just having some sibling time. 

"So what's Seabrook like?" Ben asks his twin.

"Boring everyone always wears pastel colors and are so prissy and nice. But you have to meet our cousin Bucky. He's the worst along with his little minions. He calls them the Acey's. Which of course aren't their real names." Athena answered.

"So, basically just people like the princes and princesses." Ben said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, basically. But Aunt Missy and Uncle Dale want to see you soon along with your little soon to be wife. Aunt Missy said she hasn't seen you since you were a baby." Athena said and smiled a little.

"How are Aunt Missy and Uncle Dale?" Ben asks.

"They are doing wonderful. Aunt Missy is the mayor and Uncle Dale is the Chief of the Zombie Patrol. Aunt Missy can't wait to see mum again." Athena said.

"Maybe one day we'll go to Seabrook." Ben said. "So how exactly did you meet Willa?" 

"Willa and her pack were stalking Addison because they thought- well Wyatt, Willa's brother thought she was the Great Alpha. But really it's actually me. We started talking and when they took me and Addison to their home that's when me and Willa became official. And I found out that I was her mate so we instantly became girlfriends." Athena answered.

"That's a weird way to meet your significant other." Ben said.

"Oh really? Then how did you meet Mal?" Athena asks raising an eyebrow.

Ben chuckled awkwardly and looked away.

"Oh brother? Are you embarrassed?" Athena asks with a hint of joking in her voice.

"Come, on Ben. Tell your sister how we met." Mal said appearing out of nowhere.

"Please." Athena practically begged her brother.

"No." Ben said.

"Alright, I'll tell you. I may or may not have given him a love potion and we went on a date near the enchanted lake and the spell wore off. He pretended that he was still under the potion and when he was being crowned he finally told me. Weren't you at the coronation?" Mal said.

"I was. You just didn't see me because no one really pays attention to the younger siblings of royal families unless they are to meet their betrothed or married." Athena said with a smile.

"That's not true." Mal said.

"Sister, you mustn't ever say that about yourself." Ben said.

"I may be a mystery brother. But we all have demons." Athena said before she sees Willa with the others. "I'll leave you two alone because I see my girlfriend with two children I'd love to spoil rotten."

When Athena walked over to the group. Squeaky instantly ran to her side and hugged the girl.

"Well hello, little one. How's your day so far? Have you been good?" Athena asks and he nodded. 

Athena sat down next to Willa who had Squirmy's head on her lap. Squeaky does the same but to Athena.

"They have taken a quick liking to the both of you. It took weeks for them to warm up to us." Lonnie said with a smile.

"I'm just that good with children." Athena answered with a smile.

"You're not just that good. When we were in school together. And we went to a nursery. The babies instantly clung to you. Like they didn't want to let you go." Doug said with a smile.

"Like I said, I'm just good with children." Athena said with a smile playing with Squeaky's hair.

That's when Eliza ran over all excited along with Wynter. They all stared at them with raised eyebrows. 

"Harry/Gil just asked me out." The two girls said together.

"Wait what!?" Zed exclaimed shocked.

"I got asked by Harry." Eliza said.

"And I got asked out by Gil." Wynter said with a big smile and a dreamy look on her face.

"That's great for you two. But Eliza I didn't expect you to go for a cocky dude like Harry." Jane said with a smile.

That's when Eliza and Wynter stared at Athena and Willa who were playing the twin's hairs.

"How long have they been like that?" Eliza asks.

"Not long. But I think the twins like the two." Lonnie answered with a smile.

"It's unnatural." Chad said staring at the girlfriends with disgust. "Plus they aren't their parents. That man who is Captain Hook's right hand man." 

"Well if you don't like it then leave. And I'm pretty sure the man you are talking about is Mr. Smee." Athena said not looking up from her phone.

Chad gets up and walks away from the group.

"Who are his parents again?" Willa asks.

"Cinderella and Prince Charming." The AK's answered annoyed.

"Have you guys met Mr. Smee yet?" Lonnie asks.

"No, why?" Willa and Athena answered together.

"Because it's Family Day tomorrow. And all the AK's and the VK's parents are all coming over tomorrow. So you get to meet their parents." Evie said walking up to the group.

"Lovely, more people I need to meet." Willa grumbled.

"It's fine, Willa. You just have to bear it. Plus none of the heroes haven't realized I've come home yet. So it's going to be a big surprise for them." Athena said with a smile.

"But I thought you said no one pays attention to the younger children in the royal families?" Willa asks confused.

"They don't but everyone was there for when I was birthed." Athena answered.

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