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I live in constant fear
Fear of myself
Fear in the possibility of tomorrow-
I fear people
And dark cloudy days, where clouds are on the verge of raining but never do
I get nervous of what if's
And glare at never
Have indifference at limitless possibilities
I fear dark days that never burst
Always on the edge but never released
Never relieving.

I grieve someone who isn't dead.
I'm grieving in the thought of a forgotten tomorrow

How through all of my, "I'll do it tomorrow" 's
And late night thoughts of it'll be tomorrow— that's when I'll change

As if a new person is something you can pre-order

How could I ever forget about tomorrow?
How could I forget life keeps moving
Whether or not I confine myself to a changeless house

How could I ever forget.

And then it rained.

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