Pet war+Spirit

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In my opinion this is kinda minor but a lot of people consider it important so here is the pet war.

Sapnap sorta went crazy and started messing with people's pets, typically killing them. He killed a LOT, including but not limited to Tommy's cow named Henry, and the fox naned Fungi owned by Niki. The two teamed up to get revenge. It didn't end well. See a pattern?

It gets confusing but George's fish Beckerman was kidnapped, a fish named Mars was also kidnapped, fundy got involved and hired Tommy and Niki to kill/assassinate sapnaps pet fox named sketchers. Sapnap found out and killed fundys pet enderman, and things just kept escalating. I havec a hard time keeping track of it all, really.

To end it all, Fundy decided to 1v1 with sapnap, both parties agreed that no matter the outcome, this would settle it all.

This was shortly after the Dream vs techno 1v1 that shook the internet (techno won because he's far superior) and so they sorta fashioned it after that. They set up an arena sort of thing and they each had equal gear and supplies. Sapnap won 3 to 2, and they came to an agreement. Fundy got the remaining live pets, which were the two fish and a netherite shovel. sapnap got drip and the pet war was over.

During all this, dreams prize horse spirit was killed thanks to sapnap and Tommy stole the dropped leather and used it as a bartering chip to get a disc back. Dream instead gave one disc, Cat, to skeppy. Tommy was ok with this because he trusted skeppy more anyway.

Karl Jacob's joined somewhere in there, and he's pretty important. I'll probably just call him Karl.

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