The Sound of Ocean

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Warning; Bad grammar/spelling and boring. Also this story makes no sense so if you're confused don't worry so am I. I was confused of what the hell I was writing. Also there is not that much dialogue cuz I'm lazy.

Fun fact this is like my 3rd time re-writhing this, cuz the other two sucked so bad and I hated it so yeah..

ANOTHER FUN FACT (sorry) this one-shot was going to be originally called; "A merman in love". But I hated how it sounded when I said it out loud so I changed to the title that you see right now. Anyways enjoy this sucky confusing one-shot! <3 :)


They say mythical creatures don't exist, they're simply a folklore. But how can they be so sure? What if they actually do exist in this world, but they're just hidden very well. There's many mythical creatures, but for this occasion we are going to focus on one. You know mermaids right? Ah yes 'mermaids', beautiful sea creatures that live in the ocean, hidden from the surface. When you hear the word mermaid, most people immediately think of a beautiful woman but with a fish tail, but this is not the case. There's no mermaid in this tale..


2:44 AM

This is a pretty stupid idea but whatever. He was wearing shorts and his parka, unzipped showing his bare chest. What was happening? Oh nothing really, just Kenny being an idiot and going to the beach to swim in the ocean because he can't sleep! Kenny knew the water was going to be freezing cold and that he could get sick but, Kenny couldn't give a flying fuck if he got sick. At least he would have an excuse not to go to school. He slowly got into the water and immediately regretting his idea of swimming in the ocean. Holy fuck was it cold! But somehow Kenny got use to it and began swimming deeper into the ocean.

Then out of nowhere Kenny heard thunder.


A storm was forming! You could no longer see the stars or the moon, there were just clouds everywhere, covering the sky. Kenny was to far from the surface, he wasn't going to make it.. Another thunder struck, and started raining. Kenny was trying to get back to the surface but he got pulled back from a strong wave. The strong waves kept pushing him back, sending him deeper and farther into the ocean. Kenny knew he couldn't die since, you know.. he's immortal and all, but he didn't want to die right now!


Kenny doesn't know how long it has been, all he knows is that he found a piece of wood drifting in the water and held on to it before passing out. Kenny slowly started to gain his consciousness back, he felt like his head was resting on someone's thighs, but it felt kinda strange for some reason. He felt a hand playing with his hair and caressing his face. Kenny slowly opens his eyes. His vision was blurry for a moment until it started to clear up. When his vision cleared, he saw a boy with big round baby blue eyes and light blonde hair. Kenny felt his face flush, his breathing stopped for a moment. This boy was beautiful..

"Oh you're finally awake! Are you okay?". Kenny felt his heart pounding. "Uh-uh yeah I'm okay.." The light blonde boy smiled sweetly, "That's good to hear. If you don't mind me asking, what happened to you? I mean- I found you passed out in the ocean!". Kenny eyes widen, he had forgotten that he was in the ocean not to long ago. Kenny chuckled, "Oh you know.. Just swimming in the ocean but then a storm came, and I ended up here". The light blonde boy looked more worried. "Oh.. I'm sorry to hear that, well I could keep you company if you like!". That adorable smile made Kenny feel butterflies in his stomach. "I would like that, thank you."

"No problem!".

"So what's your name?." The boy asked. "My name is Kenny, what about you? What's your name?". The boy smiled again, "That's a nice name! Oh, my name is Leopold but you can call me Butters!". Huh interesting nickname. Kenny has no idea how he hadn't realized this but.. Butters was shirtless. He didn't have a shirt on. It's not like this is the first time Kenny saw someone shirtless, but for some reason this kind of makes him flustered, just a tiny bit. Something about this Butters made Kenny feel different.

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