Chapter Eight

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"You did what?" Olivia whisper yelled to her brother as they were both sat upon his bed.
"I didn't even push him hard the railing must of been loose I swear." He said trying to defend himself.

Olivia just sighed shaking her head.
"Is he okay?" She asked looking up at him.
"Yeah well I stopped by Sarah this morning and apparently he's fine...she uh, also broke up with me." He said looking down

Olivia just chuckled and looked up at him as if he was stupid.
"Are you kidding? Of course she would break up with you, you pushed him off the hawks nest, he could of died" she said raising her hands up.

"Okay well anyways it's over now he's fine and we can just forget about it." He said just trying to get over the subject, Olivia merely humming in response.

"So how's Rafe." Topper said cocking an eyebrow.
"Oh shut up." Olivia replied, clearly trying to hide the huge smile that was forming on her face.
"Come onnn I saw you guys at midsummers, you were getting really close." He said trying to tease her.
She just playfully threw a pillow at him and rolled her eyes.

"All I'm saying, is that whatever is happening... I support it." He said smiling up at her.
"Thanks Top, that means a lot" she said returning the gesture.

A few hours had passed and Olivia was still at home sitting on her balcony reading. She heard a knock on her front door and since no one was home it was up to her to answer it.

She ran down stairs and opened the door only to be met with a blonde girl looking quiet upset.

"Hey Sarah" Olivia smiled politely to her friend moving aside and gesturing for her to come in.
"Hey" she said seeming very uneasy about something which Olivia immediately picked up on.

"What happened?" Olivia said pulling the blonde girl to the couch in the living room.
"I hate Kiara" she said sighing. Olivia furrowed her brows but remained silent signalling for Sarah to continue.

"So I went to John B's house today and she pretty much had a bitch fit when she saw me and then we got into a fight and she ended up storming off so then I just left." She said shaking her head and placing her hands on her temples.
"And I came here because you always know how to cheer me up." She added and looked up at the girl giving her a light hearted smile.

Olivia just nodded and then pulled the girl into a hug. "I'm sorry she's such a bitch to you." She said softly while holding the blonde girl in her arms.

"Just give it some time and I'm sure everything will be okay with you guys, alright?" She said trying to reassure the girl in front of her.
Sarah just nodded her head smiling back at her before her phone buzzed.

"It's John B" she said looking at the phone confused. Olivia furrowed her brows waiting for Sarah to say what the message said.
"He said he wants to talk to me so I must meet him at his dock now."
You could see her face light up the slightest bit when she saw that message and Olivia noticed.
"Okay well what are you waiting for... go!" Olivia giggled out nudging her friend.
"Okay okay." Sarah giggled standing up and giving Olivia a quick hug.

"I'll text you later" she said before rushing out the door
"Byee" Olivia called out to the girl before closing the front door and heading back up to her room.

She spent the rest of the afternoon finishing up her book, cleaning her room, having a nice long shower and watching some Netflix.

She was home alone tonight since Topper was sleeping at Kelces house and her parents were working as usual.

As she was drifting off too sleep she heard a knock on the front door. She began to grow a bit panicked but slowly made her way downstairs. As she was growing closer to the door the person knocked again. She looked through the peephole and let out a sigh of relief when she saw who it was.

"Hey you scared me." She said lightly giggling and looking up to him, only to see he was definitely upset about something.
"Rafe" she said softly grabbing his arm and pulling him inside before locking the front door again.

He didn't say anything but just pulled her into a hug which she obviously returned, and they just stayed there in silence while he enjoyed the comfort of her in his arms.

"What happened?" She said breaking away from the hug.
"My dad uh, he um, he kicked me out." There was a lump in his throat, he was really trying to fight back tears.
"What why." She said looking at him confused but he didn't respond, he just looked away as if he was ashamed about something.

"Hey" she said grabbing either side of his face with her hands.
"You can tell me." She smiled up at him, lightly rubbing her thumb against his cheek as a form of comfort.
He just nodded and she pulled him up to her room so they could be a little more comfortable.
Once they were on her bed he began to speak.

"So I owed Barry money and I tried to steal my dads watch and he caught me." He said closing his eyes and taking a breath before proceeding.
"He took me to Barry's house and payed him back, and then he uh, he started beating Barry, like really bad, and I just stood there watching." He said, taking another breath.

"And then he uh told me to get my bike and that I mustn't come home because I'm a liar and thief and he can't trust me." He said tears brimming his eyes as he replayed the hurtful things his dad had said to him.

Olivia just pulled him into a hug and held him, he snaked his arms around her waist and rested his head in the crook of her neck.
"You know you can stay here as long as you need, okay?" She whispered to him.

He just nodded before bringing himself up and wiping away the tear or two that had fallen, hoping it wasn't noticeable that he was crying.
"Thank you." He whispered back with a smile

He looked at her and just admired how beautiful she was, the way her eyes shimmered in the soft light that her lamp gave to the room, the way her blonde hair fell so beautifully against her shoulders.

He took a strand of her hair bringing it behind her ear before leaning in and placing a soft kiss to her lips. She closed her eyes taking in every second of this feeling that rushed through her body every time his lips touched hers.

She moved her hand into his hair almost pulling him closer to deepen the kiss, if that was even possible.

After a while they both pulled back and just looked into each other's eyes.

"How did I get so lucky" he said in a soft tone admiring the girl in front of him
"I'm the lucky one" she replied smiling lightly at him. He just chuckled at the girl before pulling her closer and placing a long kiss to her forehead.

"Come on you need some sleep" she said to him making her way under the covers, him following suit.
He lay on his back, Olivia resting her head on his chest and snaking her arm over his torso

"You know I really appreciate you" he said softly.
She smiled to herself, even though he couldn't see it.
"I'm always here" she whispered back holding him a bit tighter.

He just let out a breath before pulling her chin up and placing a soft gentle kiss on her lips.
She looked into his eyes before smiling at him, quickly pressing another one onto his lips before lying back down.
"Goodnight" she said closing her eyes, a smile still present on her face.
"Goodnight" he said placing a kiss to the top of her head, both of them falling asleep within minutes.

She never thought she would ever fall for Rafe Cameron, he was a drug addict with anger issues and was known for sleeping with every girl possible. But when she saw him, she didn't see what everyone else saw, she saw Rafe, her Rafe, the Rafe that was kind and gentle and loving. She wished others would be able to see this side of him, but at the same time she felt special that she was one of the few, maybe only, person that got to experience it.

(Word count 1473)

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