Nine- First Real Crush

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Although being a little ladies man, David has always been a very... peculiar child.

Always one step ahead of his peers. He was slightly more mature and kept to himself a lot, plus his English was pretty good for a kid his age. Granted he may or may not have inherited that bit from me and my big mouth.

But still, in a country with over eight hundred languages, it's not that hard to get side-tracked and mispronounce words.

At a young age, my brother and I were familiar with three languages. English and two other of our country's native languages.

He wasn't as exciting and energetic as other kids usually were, preferring virtual reality over actual reality. Again, another trait he got from me... anti-socialness.

I'm not very proud about this bit, if anything I'm disappointed at myself for allowing this to happen. He's young, he should be fun and adventurous, not quiet and introverted.

Way to be a sister, Danielle.

But unlike me, this doesn't stop him from occasionally playing with other kids. Every now and again I'll see him running around with his peers. I'd silently smile to myself when I'm reminded that David is his own person.

He's not me.

He's not going to go through what I went through... Not while I'm here.

I'm his big sister. Which is why I will be there when he needs me. Ice-cream? You got it. Money? How much you need? Advice? Ask away.

'Dan, I like her. A lot.'


So why is it that I have absolutely no idea what to do in this situation? The best I can do right now is hope someone better comes along to offer actual advice.

My past experiences with dating and feelings compromises of denial, bad judgement and running away. A lot of running away. All coated with a lovely icing of rejection and heartbreak, with sprinkles of low self-esteem.

Makes for a nice cupcake of depression.

After watching me for a few seconds, probably looking for traces of emotion, David sighs and buries his head into his knees. I realize that I had been staring blankly out at the sky so I turn back over to my brother.

His cheeks were a light shade of pink, his hair messy and pulled out. He had probably been running his hands through them.

He had on a black hoodie over his favorite shirt that reads 'Will trade SISTER for GAMES and PIZZA'. I smile at the memory of me buying it for him, knowing just how accurately it applied to my brother.

'What's her name?' I ask breaking the silence.

He looks over at me momentarily, obviously contemplating my question. Then, turning his head away from me to hide his blush, he says her name. 'Tasha. Tasha Finley.'

Tasha. Cute name.

I have to watch what I say, I don't want to ruin the moment.

'You really like her?' Tilting my head to look him in the eye, I offer a smile. 

David looks up at me and smiles back, revealing the cheeky talkative little being I've come to know. The curls hanging from his head dance in the wind as his eyes wrinkle slightly from the size of his grin. 'Maybe.'

I scoff and nudge him on the shoulder, 'Come on, my little Day Day finally admits that he has a crush. This is interesting stuff. A once in a life time opportunity.'

He pouts. 'It's not that rare for me to have a crush.'

'Oh boy, my little innocent baby. Yes, it is. This is only your second crush after Hailey.' I ruffle his soft fluffy hair as long as I can before my hand is smacked away.

Hailey was his first crush. She was this adorable little girl who usually wore her hair in pigtails and made jewelry from colored beads. I'd seen her once or twice talking to David in the first grade. Well, trying to talk to him. Poor girl would smile and blabber on and on while David just stood there blushing.

It was a little cringy to look at, but now I just find it cute.

'Yeah, ok ok. But this is like, my first REAL crush.' he sighs and tries to fix his hair.

I grin at him. Oh, how he's grown in such a short amount of time. I won't be around for much longer, only a few more months till I leave and find a collage. He'll have to start figuring things out on his own.

But I guess I could leave him with a bit of advice.

'If you really do like her, then don't give up.' I watch as he turns toward me again. 

'Don't give up?' 

'Well, not while you still have these feelings anyway.' I lean back and recall the times when I had these feelings for Jake, and even now with Oliver. 'Spend time with her. Be her friend. But most importantly... be a gentleman.' I poke his nose.

'Yeah, yeah. I know.' he pushes my hand away. His eyes wonder up to the night sky and I watch the stars reflect and twinkle against them. 'But... when can I tell her?'

'Hmm,' I exhale into a smile. 'You'll know. When that times comes, I better be the first one to know about it.' I then lean closer and ruffle his hair up again.

'Stop it! Hey. Will you quit with that?' he smooths down his hair and glares at me.

'No. I am going to take advantage of the fact that I'm taller and stronger than you for as long as I can before puberty kicks in for you and I'm bumped down a level.' I smirk and mess up his hair again.

While it's true that he is tall for his age, I still have the upper hand when it comes to height in my family. I'm even taller than our parents. 


We're a short family. (T-T)

But still, I know one day he will tower over me. Until then, I will establish dominance until a new Alfa is announced.

He grunts and moves further away from me. 'Just you wait.' He mumbles, attempting to fix his hair again.

Nothing to say here.


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