Chapter 2 - #Awkward

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Bong Bong and Sara stopped laughing as Leni finally entered the room.

Leni gave them an awkward smile as they stood up to greet her.

Sara offered her hand and said,

"Good morning."

Leni shook her hand then turned to Bong Bong.

He smiled politely at her as he gave her a firm handshake.

"Hi, Leni." He said.

Leni was slightly taken aback as she thought to herself,

'Leni' lang talaga!? Wala man lang 'VP'?

Nonetheless, she kept her composure and gave him a short reply, trying to minimize her eye contact with him.


Once they're done with the greetings, they all proceeded to sit down.

Leni took a seat across from Bong Bong and Sara then pulled out her laptop to connect it to the nearby projector.

The room was quiet. Leni felt an awkward tension in the air as Bong Bong and Sara waited for her to finish setting it up.

While she was busy doing so, she could sense Sara whisper something to Bong Bong. They both giggled, making Leni feel a bit conscious.


As the two of them waited for Leni, Sara whispered something to Bong Bong while observing Leni's dress.

"Apo BBM, in fairness kay Leni - nag-red siya ngayon. Bagay noh?"

The two of them giggled as Bong Bong shook his head. He lightly punched Sara's knee and gave her a reprimanding look, signaling her to be nice.

He then looked at Leni and observed that she seems to be having a hard time setting up.

Bong Bong looked at his watch then finally stood up and walked around the table to approach her.

"You need help, Leni?" He asked.

Startled, Leni looked up from her computer as Bong Bong proceeded to stand behind her chair and leaned close to look at her screen.

Bong Bong put his hand on top of Leni's which was holding the mouse and muttered,

"Excuse me."

Shocked by Bong Bong's touch, Leni quickly pulled her hand away to let him navigate her computer.

Bong Bong was now physically close to her that Leni's heart started to beat fast.

He was so close that Leni could breathe in the faint scent of his cologne.

She tried to concentrate on the screen as Bong Bong softly hummed while using her computer.

She could feel the vibration of his voice near her ear and for some reason, thoughts of what she read last night came back inside her head.

Leni gulped nervously as she thought to herself,

Kailan ba matatapos 'to? I'm gonna go crazy.

After a while, Leni's presentation finally appeared on the projector.

"There you go." Bong Bong said.

He then pulled away and walked back to his seat.

Leni exhaled. She didn't realize that she was holding her breath for quite some time.

She then cleared throat and said,


Sara asked her,

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