Bonus Content 2 - Epilogue

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It was early in the morning and a few rays of sunlight have started to filter through the blinds.

As the sunlight hit her face, Leni slowly opened her eyes, beginning to wake.

Once her vision finally adjusted to her surroundings, she suddenly felt weird.

It was because everything around her was familiar but she knew that it wasn't home.

She then realized that she was in a bedroom... In her province. 10 hours away from Manila.

Her eyes widened upon the realization. She quickly sat up and thought,

Paano ako napunta dito? It can't be...

She was a hundred percent sure that she fell asleep last night in her condo.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on her closed bedroom door.

Leni gulped. She knew that nobody else lives in their provincial home and she has the only key to their house.

She frantically searched the bed for her phone but she can't find it.

As the knocking got louder, Leni stood up instead and grabbed the lamp on top of the bedside table, gripping it tight like a baseball bat, ready to defend herself.

Despite her fear, she tried to steady her voice as she said,

"S- sino yan?"

The knocking stopped as the door slowly opened, revealing...




Bong Bong?

Leni got shocked.

Bong Bong raised an eyebrow at her, partly confused but amused at the same time.

"Anong ginagawa mo? Parang nakakita ka ng multo." He joked.

Bong Bong jokingly put his hands up as he continued,

"Teka lang... Are you planning to hit me with that lamp? Have mercy on me, Leni. Kagagaling ko lang sa lagnat."

"L- lagnat?" Leni repeated.

She was still confused as to what's happening to her right now.

Bong Bong answered her,

"Yes? Naulanan tayo sa beach kahapon, diba? Nung tumalon ako sa cliff tas sinagip mo ako... Don't tell me nagka-amnesia ka na..."

Leni's hands trembled as she put down the lamp and thought,

But that was MONTHS ago... Nung nasa ibang mundo pa tayo...

Sensing Leni's worried expression, Bong Bong's face softened as he slowly approached her.

"Hey... What's wrong, Leni?" He asked, his voice soft.

Leni looked into his eyes, full of concern. She then felt tears blurring her vision.

Without saying anything else, Leni hugged Bong Bong tight, startling him.

Bong Bong chuckled as he was being hugged. He said,

"Whoa... What's gotten into you?"

Leni can't believe that she was able to hug and be close to him again.

In that instant, Bong Bong's presence overwhelmed her to the point that how she got in her current situation no longer mattered.

After a while, Bong Bong gently pulled away from Leni and put a hand on her cheek.

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