Chapter 16 - #Tour

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The rain outside was still pouring when Leni woke up in the middle of the night.

She tilted her head and looked at Bong Bong. He still had his back turned to her but she could see him shivering in his sleep.

She slowly sat up and checked his temperature. It seems that his fever came back.

Leni stood up and grabbed another blanket from the nearby closet then spread it on top of him.

As she leaned close to tuck him in, Bong Bong unconciously grabbed her hand.

While sleeping, Bong Bong pulled Leni close, as if he's asking her to hug him.

Leni smiled sadly. Eventually, she laid back down in bed and hugged Bong Bong from behind in the hopes that he'll feel better in the morning.


Morning finally came as the rain stopped pouring.

Bong Bong slowly opened his eyes as he woke up and realized that Leni was behind him, hugging him.

He felt deja vu as he gently removed her arm around him while he sat up.

While sitting, Bong Bong rubbed the back of his neck and felt that he was already okay.

He smiled weakly as he looked at Leni who slowly opened her eyes.

Leni rubbed her eyes as she woke up but got a bit startled upon realizing that Bong Bong was observing her.

Bong Bong chuckled and teased her,

"Good morning, sleepmate. Mukhang ang sarap ng tulog mo ah - may pa-hug ka pa sakin... Masarap ba ako katabi?"

Leni groaned as she put her hands on her face.

Bong Bong laughed upon seeing her reaction.

Eventually, Leni sat up then asked him,

"Since inaasar mo na ulit ako, I assume na okay ka na ngayon?"

Bong Bong nodded.

"Yeah. I feel absolutely fine now."

"Good. So..."


Bong Bong raised an eyebrow as he waited for Leni to continue.

Leni cleared her throat then said,

"So you should get ready na."

"Ready? Saan?"

"Get ready for our next mission."

Bong Bong gave her a concerned look.

"Are you sure na ready ka na for that?"

Leni nodded and gave Bong Bong a reassuring smile.

"Tulad mo, I'm okay now... I promise I can handle it."

Bong Bong could see it in Leni's eyes that she was really determined to go on their next mission.

He smiled softly as he replied,

"If that's what you say then... Okay."


After getting ready, Bong Bong and Leni were now on the way to the Robredo Museum.

Bong Bong was back at the driver's seat. He glanced at Leni who was holding and looking at the recent card.

He noticed that she had a wistful look on her face as she looked at it.

Bong Bong asked her cautiously,

"How are you feeling, Leni?"

Leni looked at Bong Bong. She said,

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