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It's the first Friday I've had off in a long time. I love working Fridays for the tips, don't get me wrong.

I just want a break to be able to hang out with everyone. Zander and Luke are working while Peyton and I took off.

We decided to have a girls night with Stas and Kat so they're coming over. Colby, Sam, and Nolan are going bar hopping.

Apparently Colby invited him and he agreed to go. I was cleaning the apartment before everyone got here.

They said they were bringing drinks so we might drink a little bit. Peyton walks in with a smile on her face.

"I'm so excited." She said happily. I smiled as I looked over at her. I was honestly excited for this night too.

The front door opened revealing the two girls. They had white claws and trulys in their hands.

"Parties here!" Kat exclaimed. I giggled as she came over to us.

They sit the boxes down causing us to open it. We start drinking as we start gossiping.

After an hour of being with them, I could feel a little buzz coming on.

We had turned on music so we were all singing to One Direction.

We were all dancing and jumping around like maniacs. I could tell that everyone was having a blast the more we drank.

"Okay, I'm drunk and I just wanted to say I fucking love you guys." Peyton starts to get sappy.

This is how I know she's drunk. We all looked at her with soft eyes.

Stas went over and wrapped her arms around Peyton. "You're literally the sweetest person. I wish I looked like you." Stas slurred.

That's when the two started complimenting each other. I honestly loved seeing this right now.

It was adorable. "Guys, I have a suggestion." I announce while getting their attention.

They stop talking to look over at me. "I think girls night should be a monthly thing." I suggest.

They all instantly agree so we all plan something. Every month, we're going to have a girls night.

We're going to try to do something different every time. Like, one night we might bowling and another we might do girlie stuff.

I've never been more excited for something in my life. As we talked about it, my phone started ringing.

We all stopped talking so I could look at it. "Who is it?" Kat asked curious.

"Nolan." I replied worried. I pick my phone up and answer it, putting it on speaker.

I'm surprised I couldn't hear a bunch of noise in the background.

"Hey, bro. Is everything good?" I question. It was silent for a moment.

"Yeah, uhm. Are you at your apartment?" He asked vaguely.

I could hear worry in his voice. "Yeah, Nolan tell me what's going on?" I question.

"Colby is drunk and got into a fight. He's pretty fucked up." I looked at the girls in worry.

Even though they were drunk, I could tell they were worried.

"Bring him to my apartment. I'll clean him up." I hang up and start pacing. Thinking of Colby getting his ass whooped scares me.

I had no idea how badly he's hurt. "Ashton, can we get off the runway?" Peyton asked looking at me.

I just look at her and shake my head. When I heard the front door opened, I rushed over to it.

Nolan was holding Colby up. His eye was already changing colors while he was bleeding in the corner of his mouth.

His nose was bleeding while he had a cut above his eyebrow.

I look at his hand to see his hand was bleeding. "What'd you fight? A fucking grizzly bear?" I try to joke.

Nolan and I bring him into the kitchen and help him up on the counter.

"Are you going to be okay with him? I have to drive Sam home." I nodded my head towards him.

"I got this over here. Thanks, Nolan." I smile to my brother. He nods to me and leaves.

I grab everything I need and look at the bleeding boy. "You wanna tell me how this happened?" I question.

I take some alcohol and put it on a cotton ball so I can clean his wounds.

"Sam accidentally bumped into a guy at the bar. He got pissed and thought he wanted to fight and Sam didn't." He spoke.

His voice was raspy. "He wouldn't stop harassing Sam so that's when I did something about it and I threw the first punch." He explained to me.

"And let me guess, he beat your ass?" He frowned and nodded his head. His nose had stopped bleeding so he was cleaning the dried blood off.

I took the napkins with alcohol on it and started cleaning his hand. He winced at the pain causing me to frown.

"I'm sorry, it won't last long." I reassure him. When I get done cleaning his hand, I look up at his face.

I could tell he was deep in thought. "Are you okay?" I asked while grabbing another paper towel.

"I just hope you don't look at me differently." He told me sadly.

It made my heart hurt knowing he thought I would look at him differently knowing he got into a fight.

Maybe he's still a little drunk. "I'm not going to be upset that you defended your best friend." I assure him.

Honestly, it makes him a little hotter. I spent the next ten minutes cleaning his wounds.

When I finished, he was watching me throw everything away.

"Do you care if I spend the night?" He asked hopeful. I nodded my head towards him.

"I might have some sweats in there you can wear." I have a couple nike sweats that are huge on me from when I ordered the wrong size.

He hopped off the counter and right in front of me. "Thank you, Ash." I smile at the nickname.

He walks into my room and closes the door. I walk back over to the girls who were deep in conversation.

They stopped talking and looked over at me. "That was pretty intense in there." Stas noticed. I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"We're just friends. And it's not like we could do anything with him bleeding everywhere." I crack open another white claw.

I sit down next to Kat so I could talk. "I bet you wanted something to happen." Peyton smirked towards me.

I roll my eyes while bringing the can to my lips. We sat here for the next few hours drinking.

Peyton, Kat, and Stas thought it would be fun to get sleeping bags and have a sleepover in Peytons room.

I went into my room to see Colby sleeping peacefully. He looked so cute sleeping on my bed, I didn't want to move him.

I went over and climbed in the bed. I pulled the covers over me and laid down to rest.

I turn my head over to look at Colby. His mouth was slightly open while he slept.

I turn my head back over and lay on my side to face away from Colby.

Not even a minute later, I felt him subconsciously wrap his arm around me and pulled me closer.

I felt his chest on my back as his body heat started to come to mine. It made my heart skip a beat that we're cuddling.

I have to remind myself that Colby and I are just friends. I quickly fall asleep in Colby's arms.

It was a weird but good night.

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