It Found Us

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Clint Pov

"Where am I" Will demands again.

"You recognize this?" Hopper says as he holds up a picture of the mind flayer.

"We want to help you, to know how to kill it, but first-"


The lights flicker on and off as Will screams for an answer.

"LET ME GO LET ME GO" Wills voice gets deeper as he screams.

Eventually he calms down as Hopper releases him from the bear hug.

"You know what march 22nd is... your birthday, your birthday. When you turned 8 I gave you that huge box of crayons, 120 colours, all you wanted to do was draw, and you drew this huge rainbow ship, you must've used every colour, I took that with me and I told everyone who came son drew this. I was proud, so so proud. "

"You remember the day dad left, we stayed up all night building castle Byers, it took so long because you were so bad at hammering, then it started raining, but we stayed, and we got so sick. But we had to finish it."

"Remember the first day we met, in kindergarten, I had no friends. I just felt so alone and so scared but...I saw you on the swings and you were alone to, I just walked up to you and asked...if you wanted to be my friend...and you said yes, it was the best thing I've ever done"

"Do you remember when we first met, you were listening to...the smiths or something, cant remember it felt like such a long time were scared...cold...we...I lit a fire and we ate hotdogs and you fell asleep right there on the floor...and I stayed because I had to protect you" 

Even I tear up slightly at seeing my first 'friend' in this state. 

"If your in there...please please talk to us" 

"Let me go" Will coldly replies. But me and Hopper look down to see he's tapping on the bottom of the chair.

We all rush inside and Hopper begins writing dots and lines.

"He's communicating just not with words" Hopper explains. 

"Wait what is that?"

"Morse code" Everyone says to Steve because its so obvious. "H...E...R...E" 

"He's talking to us..."

Montage brought to you by everyone saying memories of Will while they write down the morse code.

*Ring ring*

Will begins freaking out.

"It knows where we are..."

Joyce injects Will and he passes out. Screeches are heard outside and Jonathan rushes into the room.

"Their coming..." He says as we begin to untie Will. Everyone enters the house and Hopper grabs a gun and holds it towards Jonathan.

"Can you use this?" He asks.

"I can" Me and Nancy say at the same time. Hopper tosses me the gun and I load and ready it.

Leaves can be heard scrunching outside as well as growling, Max retreats behind me and I can tell she's quivering with nervousness, I look back to her and nod, causing her to calm down slightly.

A 'demodog' crashes through the window as me and Hopper, followed by everyone else, slowly approach it.

"Holy shit"

"Is it dead"

"Yeah...yeah its dead"

The door can be heard slowly opening as Max practically clings onto me as I aim the gun right at the door. A girl with a bloody nose and slicked back hair comes though the door, half the eyes in the room open with realisation. Mike steps forward as everyone else lowers their guns, the girl and Mike stare at each other. I notice a number on her wrist.


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