Strange Things

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Clint Pov

Eddie Munson. Me and Eddie had spoken quite a bit when we first started out in high school, as his friends and my friends were all friends, but ever since I joined track and Lucas joined basketball he's been distant, most likely because of his distain for the popular kids. I sit down with Max and begin to eat, but its not long before Eddie stands up on the table and begins shouting, I pay no mind until I realise he's yelling at me.

"Or maybe when all you do is walk FAST IN A LINE!" He yells at me.

"Its called running" I mumble and Max struggles to contain her laughter.

Time skip to the end of the day 

I walk with Max out of school and Dustin stops us. 

"Hey guys, how would you, my best friends in the world, like to join hellfire with us" Dustin says enthusiastically.

"If I play do I get one of those cool t-shirts" Max says incredibly sarcastically, yet Dustin doesn't notice at all.

"Yes of course" Dustin laughs.

"Really?" Max says, using all of her power to summon the most sarcastic tone.

"Of course we make them..." Dustin slowly realises she's being sarcastic, an over enthusiastic nod from Max makes him realise as she walks past him.

"Sorry man, maybe next time" I say as I also walk past to catch up with her.

"Did I make it to obvious?" Max asks, causing me to chuckle loudly.

"Your cute when your being sarcastic you know that?" I say making her blush, no matter how long we've been together I still never fail to make her blush.

"...yeah" She says as we head off.

Time skip

The big track even was a whole lot of sitting around and waiting for the other school, not many people cared as they were all at the basketball game, so while we wait, I sit with Max on the bleachers outside.

"If you want to go watch the basketball game I don't mind" I sigh in defeat as I check the clock and see we've been waiting for an hour.

"I'm not leaving you to go watch some stupid game that we probably loose anyway" Max says, cheering me up. 

Out of the corner of my eye I see that damn grandfather clock, I've been seeing and hearing it practically every week since Star court, but whenever I bring it up it just disappears whenever I blink, so I stopped mentioning it.

30 minutes later

"Okay lets do this!" Coach Boris shouts from the other end of the field.

"Welp I'm up...see you at the finish" I smile.

"Wait..." Max says as she gives me a quick peck on the lips. "For good luck...obviously"

"Obviously" I smile back.

We take our positions at the starting line, its me and a few others, they look chiselled out of stone and 5 years older than me but that doesn't stop me from dashing past them, making it to the finish line before they even make it half way.

"Nice job Byers" Coach Boris cheers and claps. "That makes the first time we won since 1977!"

I get given the medal and since I'm tired me and Max decide to go back to hers to watch a movie.

One movie later and I unfortunately have to wake Max up as she fell asleep on me again, it always happens when we watch a movie and I'm starting to think she invited me just because I make a nice pillow, but I'll be damned if I don't accept every time.

I enter my trailer right next door to Max's and get ready for bed, as its quite late, however I hear a noise of a dog barking outside.

"Fine...guess its my turn today" 

Me and Max found this stray dog and decided to start feeding it, we've basically adopted it and joked about us being one of those old married couples with a bunch of animals and no children. I take some leftover bacon and go outside, yet Max had the same idea.

"Thought I was feeding him today?" I ask as she walks past.

"Guess he's getting a treat today" Max smiles as we go to feed him.

"We've had him for how long and he still doesn't have a name" I say making Max think.

"How about...Alex" She says. Making me nod.

"Alex it is" I say as I see Eddies massive car park next to his house. He walks out with Chrissy Cunningham, the school head cheerleader.

"Is that...Chrissy?" Max asks.

"Munson boys finally loosing his v-card, always thought that kid was gay" I say making Max look at me with a raised eyebrow. "Which there's nothing wrong with of course" 

We say our momentary goodbyes and I head back into the trailer to get ready for bed again, I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and notice the clock again, normally seeing the clock twice in one day means another nightmare, it usually consists of me killing those closest to me, mainly Max. It normally ends with me waking up and worriedly running to Max's trailer then sleeping next to her because I'm worried, but she has no objections.

"Clint..." A voice says, causing me to cough on my toothpaste.

"Who said that?" I call out.

"I've been...watching'll make a nice...puppet" The voice says again, I feel my eyes getting heavy and my heart start to hurt, not in a seeing Max do something cute way but more of a heart attack way.

My knees begin to shake and I fall onto my bed and my vision goes from blurry to completely black. I wake back up after a nightmare, one where I didn't kill Max but instead Chrissy, its probably nothing though. I look at my hands and see them covered in blood, I blink in shock and the bloods gone. I go into the bathroom and take another anti depressant and sleeping pill before going back to sleep un bothered.

Ok so...that's that done, I was thinking that when this and my other Stranger things book (Which you should read) is done, I wanna try doing a different character, so which will it be, it'll be a while since I want to get this one and the other done...





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