Beginning Of The End

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Clint Pov

All of us rush towards Eddies room to find music Nancy would like. After a while of scrounging in panic including Eddie defending his favourite genre to the end, she stops. She hugs Steve and he yells that she's ok, me and Max share a perplexed look as we wonder how she got out without the aid of music.

Time skip

"He showed me things that haven't happened yet...awful things. I saw a dark cloud over Hawkins. There was this giant creature with a gaping many army...they were invading. He showed me my mom...and Mike...they were all...dead" Nancy explains. 

"Okay...but he's just trying to scare you Nance" Steve reasons.

" and Nancy have both spoken to him, he's confident, he'd gloat and think nothing of it, chances are what he showed Nancy is at least a probability" I also reason.

"He showed me gates...four gates across Hawkins, like the ones outside Eddies trailer. It wasn't upside down Hawkins, it was our Hawkins" Nancy shakily breathes.

"That clock...Vecna's clock...always chimes four time...always...I count all the time" I say.

"I heard it to" Nancy confirms.

"He's been telling us his plan the whole time" Max says as her hand tightens around mine.

"Four kills...four gates...the end of the world" Lucas says nervously looking to me.

"That means he's only one kill away" Dustin reasons as Max goes to try and call the others again.

Everyone talks about a plan, Nancy's plan involves getting weapons and going back to the upside down as that's where Vecna most likely is. Dustin says that since Vecna is a number just like me and El that we all know Vecna's weaknesses. 

"There's no pattern to Vecna's killings...we don't know when or who he's gonna attack next" Robin tries to reason.

"I do...I still feel him, I'm still in his radar...I stop the music, I draw him back to me" I mumble.

"'ll die..." Max says as she hugs me.

"If I survived before I can survive again" I whisper to her as I kiss her head. "I just need to distract him long enough and then you can rip his head off, or set him on fire or rip his dick off just anything that'll put him down for good...just make sure its quick and painful."

Time skip

"Check it...the war zone, been there once, got everything you need for...well-" Eddie says but I cut him off.

"Killing shit" I say. "I've been there two, place is crawling with rednecks" 

"They let a kid in there, how is any of this legal" Robin exclaims.

"Well thankfully it is so..." Eddie gasps. "Steer clear of the main road and we avoid angry hicks and the cops" 

"Its worth the risk...we need weapons" Nancy says.

"Well it'll take all day to bike there" Dustin rejects the idea.

"Who said anything about bikes" Eddie says.

"What you got some secret car?" Steve asks.

"Its not mine or a car but it'll do, red, you got a ski mask or bandana or something" He says looking to Max.

Time skip

Eddie appears from the trailer wearing Max's Michael Myers mask as I grab my cowboy hat I left there.

"It fits with the look" I say to everyone else as they stare at me.

We rush over to the trailer and Eddie clambers into a trailer through a window, but by the time he gets through he sees me hotwiring the trailer.

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