All i have

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Chapter 21
Kelly POV people say that he life flashes before you I felt the bullet enter and
the only thing I could think of was Erin I had to survive for her. All of it came in flashes the screams the ambulance the hospital and the surgery. I know the memo get shot everyone thinks you almost die they get all mushy. I knew that I was in a coma what I didn't know was how to get up. I subconsciously knew that win was here somewhere and then the weirdest thing happened …
I was seeing won and was aft the temple crying. I have never seen Erin cry.....
And it just broke my heart I knew that Erin and I had not that much time together but I loved her more than anything.… including the job.

Erin POV: I knew that something was watching me and I hated being watched in my most vulnerable moments, I looked around but I couldn't see anyone yet I felt someone's presence. I couldn't stop thinking that Kelly was shoot because I had opened that door. He would have been drinking long island Ice ts and not lying in some bed …possibly dying. I was born into bad news and I could never get away from it I don't know what the chuck I did to for those Franco son of a born to hate me so much but I will hut him down and kill him, he almost killed Kelly the love if my life …and he thinks he can get away with it. Morgan came to sit next to me.

Me: what do u want.

Morgan: it's not your fault.

Me: that's bullshit.

Morgan: I know how you  think it's not your fault.

Me: you don't know how hard it is to believe that.

Morgan: I know …..

Morgan: they've taken Kelly out of surgery

Me: so you say.

Morgan: you should go see him .

Me: I don't want to see him like that.

Morgan: maybe he wants to hear your voice.

Me: I find that hard to believe.

Morgan: why? Huh? Erin... I've seen the way that man looks at you I got to admit it I don't like him but he loves you, and that makes me jealous … I wanted you for myself.

Me: you were married

Morgan: and you didn't want to be a piece of unknown furniture on the wall.

Me: did she ever find out.

Morgan: I left before that happened..... That's besides the point he loves you and he could never be able to hate you.

Me: and when I go see him in that bed looking more dead then alive what  am I suppose to say.. Tell me that.

Morgan: I can only tell you to act like everything is fine.

Me: he could die …

Morgan: but he's not going to.

For the past few days I've wanted tho repeatedly vomit I thought it was because of  Franco . as I stood there talking tho Morgan I was feeling so doozy I wanted to sit but my feet couldn't hold my weight. I started to see black splots in my vision, and I fell, somehow Morgan caught me.
Chapter 22
I woke up to a hospital smell damn I hated the smell. I was in a hospital gown and it was night. Voight was by my side holding my hand.

Voight: before you say anything Kelly's fine, it's you that I'm worried about.....

Me: what about me?

Voight: you're off the case.

Me: why?

Voight: you can't risk your pregnancy.

Me: wait what?

Voight: you're going to be a mom. And with Franco out there we can't risk it.

Me: I want to see Kelly.

Voight: he maybe asleep, let me help you into the wheel chair.

Me: fine.

Hank offered to push me to kellys room but I told him to go home and that I was fine. I pushed myself into Kelly's room. Kelly's eyes were open, I couldn't believe it.

Me: hi

Kelly: hey

Me: how are you feeling?

Kelly: I should be asking you that question.

Me: nice to know you still have your sense of humor.

He reached to touch my face. He made me look him in the eye.

Kelly: you know that I love you, right.

Me: of course.

Kelly: what happened to me is none of your fault.

Me: you don't know how hard it is to believe that.

Kelly: come here.

I settled into the bed next to him his body was warm, I put my face in his neck.
He reached and touched my belly.

Kelly: we're going to be patents.

Me: I'm scared.....

Kelly: of what?

Me: the future.... Franco is still out there I don't know what he wants.... He could come after the baby....

Kelly: if he comes after anyone I care about I will kill him...

Me: Kelly …please...

Kelly: I am serious. If he comes after you or our son I will hunt him down and kill him.

Me: our son?

Kelly: or daughter.

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