episode 21 - SWara fall down from stairs

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Swara talk with kavitaa ap and sujata hear them Swaara know now she don't have to do anything reagarding Separating sanskar and kavita further things ap and sujata will do by there self she will now only enjoy the show silently she go inside room see parish uttara and LAksh talking with sanskar they look toward swara and go from there swara look toward sanskar who also look toward her she take her mobile and go from there before sanskar say something he close his eyes in frustration and go behind swara in downstairs geust room close the door seeing swara was lying on bed taking duet he go and lay down beside her and close the light. In morning swara get up she take bath and get ready in sky blue colour Saree ans plain sleeveless blouse she wear simple and long earrings apply pinch of vermilion wear metals bangles and bracelet in right hand

She come out then go toward kitchen she get lost what she should do that all will say saanskar to let kavita go from here she bring water and drink It just then pari ap and sujata come they see Swaara who was busy preparing breakfast they come ins...

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She come out then go toward kitchen she get lost what she should do that all will say saanskar to let kavita go from here she bring water and drink It just then pari ap and sujata come they see Swaara who was busy preparing breakfast they come inside and start helping Swara after sometimes later they go out all also come to have breakfast swara look toward kavita she serve breakfast with everyone after having breakfast dp rp and aadarsh go to get ready for going office sanskar and laksh also go to get ready swara what about to go kavita see her goingly she go behind her and stop her on stairs swara turn and look toward kavita
Swara - kavita please don't intefere in between me and my relationship because of you sanskar didn't even talking with me nicely
Kavita - because his love for you is just mere attraction swara he always love me he don't have this much strength to give his love someone eles for me he come to take revenge his own family so you can understand how much he love me
Swara - stop it kavita why your making me proveke when i very well know that my SANSKAR only love me so please let me go i have to talk with him about something (she what about to go kavita hold her hand and pull her back swara look toward kavita and see she is standing near stairs she feel sanskar's presence she hold KAVITA's hand try to come out from her grip but kavita didn't leave her sanskar what about to come near them and hear something Swaara move little near end of stairs kavita leave swara who roll down from stairs) ahhhhhhh SANSKARRRRRRR (all immediately come out hearing swara's shout sanskar get shocked beyond limits kavita look toward swara who roll down from stairs in utter shock all come out and see swara get shocked beyond limits sanskar immediately go down take swara's face in his lap patt her cheek all come near swasan kavita also come down seeing swara's condition )
Sanskar - hey..... Shona please open your eyes (he patt her cheek in tears looking toward swara's condition takeout his handkerchief and Tie stop the blood keeping it in her head wound ) (in mind) no this time i will die if you forget me i can't let this happened i can't (he pick up her in his arm and take her from there all also go behind them sanskar place swara on passenger seat sanskar seat on driver seat then take her hospital after 10 minute later they reach hospital sanskar admitted swara in OT he close his eyes Sujata's Word roam around his mind he close his eyes stamp his hand to wall he should have heard his mother already only at least today his Swaara must be okay just then all also come in hospital. After two hours of operation doctor come out sanskar go near him) doctor how's my wife she is okey right (all look toward doctor and sanskar)
Doctor - yes Mr maheswari your wife is absolutely fine (all take sign of relief hearing doctor) but (sanskar look toward doctor) I AM SORRY TO SAY WE DIDN'T ABLE TO SAVE YOUR BABY MR MAHESWARI YOUR WIFE HAVE MISCARRIAGE (all get shocked beyond limits hearing doctor sanskar stumble in shock he look toward doctor blankly) you need to take care of her now extra she needs your support to come out from this trauma (patt his shoulder and go from there sanskar fist his hand his baby who was going to come in this world is now no more and he didn't able to save his own baby too he go inside to see swara who weep her tears looking down holding her belly tightly she never thought due to her one step she will lost her baby symbol of her and Sanskar's love she didn't knowing that she is pregnant otherwise she never have done this sanskar go near swara he don't know how to console her)
Sanskar - SHONAAAAA...........(swara look slowly toward sanskar in red teary eyes he go near her and immediately hug her in tears)
Swara - Everything get finished sanskar my baby (hug him tightly and cry) my baby gone he come also and gone too everything get finished (just then all come inside kavita look toward swara who was crying badly she didn't thought this will happened she didn't push her initially her she didn't meant to do this she go near SWARa to say her sorry)
Kavita - i am so sorry swaraa........i didn't did this intialy i didn't push you it's happened heat of the moment i am so sorry please (what about to touch her sanskar hold her hand look toward her with blood shot eyes jerk her hand make swara seat on bed get up come near kavita )no......sansk sa.....sanskar... I didn't DId anything initially it's happened by mistake (sujata go near swara seat infront of her consoling her swara hug sujata unble to forget she have lost her baby due to her mistake sanskar slap kavita hardly and angrily ) sanskar
Sanskar - just keep your mouth shut kavita today you have done that mistake for which there is no forgiveness from today your and my friendship over (kavita what about to say something) don't you dare to take my name from your mouth kavita Shake her head in no)
Kavita - sanskar just listen to me you don't know anything swara is hiding something from you and you don't know anything about her (swara clutch Sujata's Saree in tight fist) just once listen to me )SWARA'S MENTAL CONDITION ISN'T OKEY SHE WAS IN MENTAL AASYLUM FOR 2 YEARS SANSKAR SHE NEED TREATMENT 5 YEARS AGO SHE HAS SEPERATE US SENDING ME IN MENTAL AASYLUM SHE DIDN'T LET HER TREATMENT HAPPENED FULLY SHE HAS RUNWAY FROM MENTAL AASYLUM TOO SHE NEED TREATMENT (all look toward kavita hearing her sanskar close his eyes and then open he look toward kavita again give her tight slap hearing her)
Sanskar - at least once you listen to yourself miss KAVITA ROY what the rubbish your talking your thinking us mad that we will not recognized difference between normal person and mad one she is with us from past 1 year why don't we find any symptom in her that her mental condition isn't okey you know what
Mom was right about you don't know what happened to me that i hear you first you yourself go leaving me faking your fake death drama then now when everything is okey you come back when i move on from you (kavita shake her head in no) just get lost before i lost my mind and do something wrong just go kavita don't you dare to come near me or show me your face (swara look toward sanskar clutching her belly sanskar hold her hand and take her out cloae the door of swara's ward close his eyes he look toward swara who is crying hugging sujata he look toward SWara in tears )
Dp - aadarsh go and ask doctor about swara's discharged (Aadarsh nods in yes he go from there out with laksh fulfilling swara's discharged formalities sanskar go near swara sujata look toward him)
Sujata - till when something didn't happened you don't understand that sanskar now you must be happy right how many times i have said you but no you don't want to hear your mother also and now see what happened how much big pain you have given to swara (sanskar look down hearing he don't have anything to say about this after 1 hour later they take SWARa home sanskar didn't go leaving swara for one second also swara not able to forgive herself for her mistake due to kavita she lost her baby she will never able to forgive swaraa never ever she has given her lifetime pain to remember she fall in sleep due access of crying. Other side kavita come out from hospital she was walking on road remembering everything she dash with one aged man who inject her something and then everything goes all blank infront of her eyes after 15 minute later she open her eyes found herself in one house she get up hold her head just then one aged man come infront of her kavita look toward him

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