episode 35 - swara's try to find out truth

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swara come to know that most of the people know everything about sanskar what he done till now to doing now also infact they are helping him for doing this all stupidity and she being fool who was thinking about everyone and she get big shock of her life when she come to know that her own dida also know about this from whom she was fighting with her own husband her own love they also know everything what an irony happening with her she is speechless and all blank knowing about this she don't know what to do and what not about this now she is not able to recollect about this all
Swara - (in mind) what i can expect from him okay if no one is interested to be with me then why i should fight with my own husband he isn't doing anything wrong he just want me with him and for that he is doing this all so i should stay silent it's better i should confront sanskar that i want to stay here only he also stop doing anything more now it's all my fault that i have gone leaving him at assylum what should i blame him now leave it every person whom i was trusting is against me helping him to keep me with him then why i am trying unnecessarily to run away from my sanskar like always i am fool (swara turn to go see sanskar who come while searching her see her at there room look toward her) what happened sanskar do you want something you need rest why you step down from bed come let's go
sanskar - i was just searching you but what your doing here are you okey (swara nods looking down) don't lie what happened tell me
Swara - nothing happened to me come you need rest sanskar you shouldn't move like this your wound is still fresh please
Sanskar - i am asking you something shona tell me what happened i very well know that you're lieing so just tell me what's wrong
Swara - nothing happened sanskar seriously you're unnecessarily thinking anything it's just that i was thinking something stupid you don't spoil you're mood because of my stupid illogical talks i look for something healthy for you're dinner you go and take rest (swara what about to go sanskar hold her hand pull her back pin her to wall moving deadly close swara stay unaffected)
Sanskar - what happened tell me only truth don't try to avoid this topic especially then when i very well know your hiding something from me tell me truth right (swara look toward sanskar hearing him she stay silent) (in mind ) this girl have no fear of me she always play with my patience that to so badly (to swara) i am last time asking you shona polietly what happened tell me (swara didn't say anything sanskar fist his hand he close his eyes then open it make swara look toward himself cupping her face) what happened tell me please you know na i can't see you like this upset no one have right on you to make you upset it should be always be me only whatever it is then it's anger hate upset love your everything is only mine tell me what happened please shona (swara look toward sanskar in tears she hug him tightly placing her head on his chest crying hugging sanskar who get baffled he stroke her hairs) what's wrong
Swara - it's just i am feeling so alone lonely sanskar i always ignore my ownself for people whom i was thinking mine but i think now they aren't mine anymore i feel cheated from everyone so badly why always this happened with me (sanskar look toward swara he see his mobile at swara's hot pant back pocket he take it check last dial number he close his eyes in frustration understand swara must have talk with shobha)
Sanskar - (in mind) bloody hell she can't be without doing her detectiveness ever dida must have pick up call and without hearing who is speaking she must be speak something how to make her calm now what should i do (he think something) i have to do this for calming her (to swara ) what exactly your talking shona i am not understanding what's wrong did ragini again did something with you (swara come in sense hearing sanskar she break the hug weeping her tears) what happened
Swara - hmmm i just remember about whatever she done with me that's why i just feel low thinking about everything sorry i unnecessarily trouble you also leave it you take rest please sanskar
Sanskar - if you're feeling low then come we will go out somewhere to fresh your mind should we go to see movie may be you feel good
Swara - i am not feeling to go anywhere sanskar please you also need rest i really don't want to trouble you more come you take rest now
Sanskar - your not feeling good that's why i am saying you to get ready we will go out then your mood will be freshen up morever doctor has said it's good for me to go for some walk
Swara - then we will go at our penthouse terrace because i don't want to go anywhere from here please sanskar don't force me
Sanskar - okey fine if you don't want to go anywhere then no worries we will go to terrace come (swara just nods they go to terrace for sometime then come down) well now your feeling good shona
Swara - yes i am absolutely fine sanskar leave about my mood it's happened sometimes with me so you don't think much about this
Sanskar - okey then you don't worry now and think much about this all things well will you make strong coffee for me i will then do some office work i don't know from how much day i haven't done my work
Swara - sanskar you daily do your office work you're unnecessarily thinking that you haven't done any work from many days well you don't need to give stress to your mind because your wound are still fresh today take rest from tommorrow you do you're office work
Sanskar - no i will unnecessarily think something stupid if i will take rest let me get ingress in work for sometimes you also for sometimes stay calm shona
Swara - okay i will bring coffee for you (swara go from there prepare coffee for sanskar she what about to giving coffee to sanskar think something take medicine box then remember sanskar having camera everywhere close eyes in frustrations take one tablet from it with balm she go toward room see sanskarr doing something in mobile look toward him sanskar who was watching swara's every move in his mobile off cctv footage and then keep mobile aside he look toward swara who smile what about to forward coffee to sanskar ) ohh wait sanskar i haven't close door I'll just come closing door (sanskar nods in yes with smile swara keep balm at side table and go to close door add medicine at coffee and come toward sanskar give him coffee seating infront of him sanskar start drinking coffee) sanskar you're laptop is in other room you don't need your laptop should i bring it for you
Sanskar - it's okey shona i will go at study room only if i will seat at bed then i will feel lazy all the time and not able to concentrated in work
Swara - sanskar at every topic you want to do sturbborbess na your not well and you want to work still i haven't said anything allowed you for that now again you start doing this stubborness going at study room
Sanskar - i am seriously not doing anything like that it's just that i will not able to concentrate that's why i am going at study room shona
Swara - fine you do whatever you want to do arguing with you at this matter is seriously unuseful because you never gonna listen to me related to your office work
Sanskar - sweetheart what's the connection between you and office work both thing are different different place and that's not my fault at all because both the things have different different importance in my life mrs sanskar maheswari
Swara - yeah that i know fine you do you're office work till then i will be at kitchen prepared something healthy for you till you won't get fine doctor said to give you something healthy
Sanskar - okey shona (complete his coffee ) it's done well will you gonna bring my laptop if you don't mind shona (swara smile nods in yes hearing sanskar she take coffee mug and then open room door turn toward sanskar who get busy in his mobile)
swara - (in mind) sanskar it's important for me to know did you really lost your memory or it's your only drama to make me stay near you that's why i am doing this all otherwise i wasn't having any other intentions behind this i hope you will understand me because whatever happening it's just making me frustrated nothing eles please understand and if i want know about all the things then i have to think going at your level only that can only help me sorry for this but whatever you have done and doing with me that all also not right na (swara go from there she take laptop from there room then come toward study room see sanskar busy in some file work she give him laptop )sanskar don't take much stress please i know it's not that you don't understand but whenever you start working you forget everything
sanskar - relax shona i won't gonna take stress i will not do much work only little bit just don't take tension about me i am ok (swara just hummed then go from there) your upto something i am sure that's why your  beheaving this much calm and sweet why you forget this jaan i know you more than you know yourself but now what she want to do may be related what she have got to know today but she know there is no use now doing anything because it's gonna unnecessarily waste our time only damm this girl always make me lost  in something (just then his phone ring he see unknown number) who's number this is (he take the call)
Opposite side - well i forget to inform you one thing swara when you go before two days ago sanskar has planned something because i just check his room so found his diary if you want i can send you photos in this number that you can see i know after reading his diary you will not believe because no mad person can think in this smart way how he has thought so I'll just send you the pics of his dairy you see what you have to do with this (she cut the call sanskar look toward his mobile fisting it tightly)
Sanskar - bloody heck she called at mental assylum why this girl is this much stubborn yaar why she do like this with me i don't understand i need to do something regarding this matter now i can't let her reach till my secret not by any chance i can't take this risk i have to do something (just then his eyes start getting heavy he was feeling difficult to keep his eyes open he blink his eyes making himself little stable) damm this girl is playing so wrong way with me what she mix in coffee (hold head take his mobile see video rewinding it that time when swara go to close door see her mixing one pill) bloody heck and i just drank coffee without thinking about anything i can't loose my conscious and take this risk if it's sleeping pill then it's not having any way to get rid (he get up stumble open the study room door go out toward his room to search swaraa but he fall on bed loosing his conscious swara who was just waiting to sanskar loose his consciousness come out look toward him make him lie down on bed properly)
Swara - sorry sanskar i seriously don't wanted to do this but you haven't left any way for me i am  seriously very sorry (she was feeling hell guilty for going against sanskar she may have done so many wrong work but that all was only for sanskar she never do anything wrong with him or let anyone do any wrong thing with him she gulp her tears she get up to go out but her leg stop at there room door step remembering what has sanskar said her when she try to run away from him even try to know about this location detail she turn and look toward sanskar she know after when he get up he will be get hell angry at her for doing this with him) durga maa why i just can't be like him why always his love make me stop doing anything against him i just want to know he is lieing with me regarding his condition or it's all true nothing eles still i am unble to do that (she close her eyes go out closing door seat at couch holding her head tightly) i just can't hurt him like he always do he just have fun while hurting me always because he thought controlling me or keeping me with him like this then only i can be his otherwise no this always happened with me his love making me weak to do anything wrong with him (she silently go at kitchen for making dinner for them not doing anything against sanskar or stepping out from penthouse) he will wake up in two hours now i think i should let him sleep (she get busy making there dinner something peep inside her mind) (in mind) what i should say when he will wake up what i will tell him he seriously gonna ask me about sleeping pills i have to think about some story regarding this (then think something and after preparing dinner for herself and sanskar 2 hours pass swara what about to go toward her room thinking now sanskar will wake up if he will not found her beside him then unnecessarily think something stupid but she hear door knock she go toward door open it see john ) what happened john you at this time any work sanskar is sleeping
John - no ma'am actually i have just come to give you this medicine which doctor has said to give SM sir i just  bring it from city so come to give you sorry if i disturbed you
Swara - no it's okey john you don't disturbed me (take medicine from john's who go from there swara keep medicine packet at on table and go to close door just then sanskar who wake up and immediately come out to search swara in fear that she may go leaving him see her closing door anger accupied in him seeing swara coming from out he fist his hand tightly swara turn to take medicine she see sanskar wake up) you wake up sanskar come we will have dinner firstly go and freshen up i will heat up our dinner till then
Sanskar - (in anger and fear) stop doing drama tell me where you have been gone to know about this location na (swara look toward sanskar shake her head in no hearing him) ohh just shut up shut the hell up you wanted to go away from me you go to make plan that how you gonna go today leaving me at night time that's why you give me sleeping pills na (swara looks on sanskar go near her his every step creating fear inside swara's heart because his red eyes are already scaring her alot he hold her arms) YOU DON'T WANT ME NA NOW THAT'S WHY YOUR THINKING TO GO AWAY FROM ME NA (swara shake her head in no hearing sanskar) STOP LIEING WITH ME I KNOW YOU DON'T WANT ME BECAUSE YOU THINK ME BAD WHATEVER BAD BAD THINGS I HAVE DONE WITH YOU FOR THAT YOUR NOT LIKING ME I WON'T LET YOU GO I WILL KILL EVERYONE IF YOU THINK ABOUT THAT WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND I DON'T WANT TO DO ANYTHING YOUR MAKING ME DO IT YOUR MAKING ME LIKE THIS (swara look toward sanskar hearing him tears fall down from her eyes)
Swara - sanskar listen to me please (he shake his head in no) please i haven't done anything like that let me say something please i give you sleeping pills.......... (sanskar look toward swara hearing her his grip on swara get more tight) ahh........it's hurting sanska i.......(cutted by sanskar who didn't let swara complete)
Sanskar - you don't have any value of my love i become like this just because of you and here you're making me more mad behind you doing this all stupid stunts (swara look toward sanskar she what about to say something but sanskar didn't let her say anything to her because he don't want to listen from her that she was going to be away from him that's why she have given him sleeping pills he have fear of that thing only he won't able to hear that from his swara)

PRECAPE - sanskar's cruel behaviour with swara not hearing anything from her not even confirming did swara really do this or not 😠😱😭😱😭😱😠😠😱😠😱😠😱😠😱😠😱😠😱😠😱😠😱😠😱😱😭😱😠😱😠😱😠😱😠😱😠😱😱😠😱😠😱😠😱😱😠😱😠😈😈😠😈😠😱😠😈😠😈😈😱😠😈😠😈

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