episode 37- we need to go kolkatta

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Swara go from there room at terrace for sometimes stay alone not wanting to have any stupid arguments with sanskar which may conducted any type of ugly fight between both of them she just want to stay alone may be this can give her some kind of peace sanskar who get down from bed he what about to go behind swara he receive laksh's call so having no option he came at his room balcony pick up call at 2nd ring thinking it must be something important that's why laksh call him otherwise he know laksh won't call him without any work or any emergency
Sanskar - what happened lucky is everything okey you call me so suddenly everything okey in home
Laksh - bhai sorry but you need to come back kolkatta it's very important we have one meeting and client has demanded your presence otherwise as a penalty he gonna put case on us with fine of 250cr i try to give him excuse but he is not ready to hear me out he want every partner of of our company should be present here at this meeting
Sanskar - why didn't you say him that you and aadarsh bhaiya are partner of this company you should asked help from bhaiya na lucky
Laksh - common bhai your talking like no one know who is the owner of your company everyone knows in kolkatta who is real owner of our company then how you want me to manage this thing haan
Sanskar - okey when this meeting gonna take place send me all the details regarding this meeting i will be there within 2 days
Laksh - okey i will make priyal to send you all the details regarding this meeting point to point without leaving anything
Sanskar - okey i will talk with you later (sanskar cut the call) how to conveince jaan she is angry with me i am sure she won't hear me out but still i need to talk with her (he take out his mobile to see where is his jaan find her at terrace he go there toward her thinking to talk with her about this meeting for which they need to go at kolkatta urgently) jaan (swara look toward sanskar hearing him) i am sorry please talk to me na
Swara - sanskar please go why you don't understand i want to stay alone for sometimes please let me stay at peace (swara get up turn to go sanskar hold her hand swara what about to say something turning toward sanskar see him seating on his knees) sanskar don't do drama please i need sometimes alone for myself can't you now just give me that also why you always behave like this you just want to dominate me every time
Sanskar - no jaan i never ever even thought about this what your saying i never want to dominate you na please stop saying this baby i am sorry i am seriously very bad person i am jerk idiot stupid even this thought also give me shivering that you going leaving me that's why it's make me do anything but i never thought to hurt you ever in my life baby
Swara - but today you did it mr maheswari that to without my mistake you didn't even listen to me give me chance to prove my point of you because you don't wanted to listen anything from me and i being mad only that whatever happened whatever you do with me i just can't hate you please sanskar leave me alone i am begging you
Sanskar - okey you want to stay alone na i will go i won't trouble you more but jaan lucky call me just now (swara look toward sanskar) we need to go kolkatta urgently for one meeting it's very important because client wants every partner of company should be present there during meeting time
Swara - that's not my headache sanskar i don't want to go back at kolkatta if you want to go then leave right now at least i will also get some days peace without your dominance behaviour i will not gonna come with you anywhere you can go
Sanskar - jaan it's not possible i can't go leaving you alone you say me anything beat me or kill me but i will not go leaving you alone that too after yesterday morever your also important to present in this meeting you know na 55 % of our company is on your name then how you expect me to go leaving you infact your presence is mostly important than mine love so don't argue with me na jaan we need to go please
Swara - can't you understand sanskar in simple language that i don't want to go back specially want to see face of your family member they are cheaters they deceive me i always give them my love in return they backstabb me i am tired of being a good girl just go stop doing this stupid arguments with me sanskar
Sanskar - jaan they did it for me but they seriously love you alot they never think anything bad about you (swara look toward sanskar) please don't say like this mom always love you just like uttu she never differcient between you both trust me
Swara - now still how many lie of yours i need to trust blindly sanskar my life has become just roller coaster every 2nd day something stupid happening which i was just hating alot you don't want understand anything and i don't want to make you understand anything now
Sanskar - jaan please don't talk like this your swear it's truth only mom wanted to tell you what i was going to do with you but i threatened her that i will kill you then myself that's why she is forced to keep this thing secret
Swara - what you want from me sanskar i seriously don't understand i am loving you back still why you having this thought that i will go leaving you i accept that i go leaving you at assylum 5 years ago and that was biggest mistake of my life i am still regretting for that but sanskar how come you except any normal person to be stay there when she is not mentally ill i behave that way because i don't wanted anyone should say anything to you but why don't you understand my pain my love for you why your insecure sanskar that i will go leaving you i will never do that when i can be at mental assylum just for you then what proof you want of my love for you how to make you understand your insecurities are wrong like making me stay with you forcingly just doing nothing but frustrating me to the core but you don't want to know about anything i am just pissed off from all the thing now so it's better leave me alone for someday i can't just act like a good girl now because i am fed of this all (sanskar shake his head in no hearing swaraa he can't go leaving his jaan he hold her hand tightly) please sanskar
Sanskar - no even your not understanding my pain jaan you already done this whenever it's comes to any stupid situation you always keep me at your 2nd priority i want your everything just for me why don't you understand that how should i make you understand about this my fear my insecurities are right i just can't go leaving you alone here i can't be without you for a second also not even 5 years ago not even now also your not understanding me jaan (tears fall from sanskar's eyes swara look toward him sign heavily) your mine just mine i don't know anything no one can come between us (swara take a deep breath close her eyes then open weep tears of sanskaar's) i promise whatever you will say i will do that only i won't go against you but don't get angry at me jaan i don't want to hurt you but circumstances forcing me to do this specially situation is making me do this you trust me na i only love you i don't think about anyone eles rather than you love i just want you with myself nothing eles
Swara - then where i am going sanskar leaving you what made you think i will go leaving you why can't you take out this fear from your heart whatever situation your creating infront of me just making me hell frustrated till now you have said only one truth to me that you love me leaving this everything lie your just playing stupid games with me how much you wanted me that much i also want you that's why i also done so many things na then why don't want to understand this your playing this stupid games with me only i never heard any truth from your mouth till now you just don't want to share anything with me then how you expect me to behave i thought my dida will never do something like this but she also helping you do you realize how much hurting this thing is
Sanskar - you punish me for all the things but don't talk about staying away from me i can't be without you for 1 second also we will go kolkatta tonight then we will come back here if you want otherwise we won't come i promise i won't do something like this (swara look toward sanskar hearing her take deep breath cup sanskar's face peck his forehead)
Swara - (in mind) i need to handle him with love anger will create more problem between both of us which is not good for both of us i need to take out all the fear and insecurities from his heart regarding this (to sanskar) come get up first we will go to doctor and ask him that you can travel or not with your this wound
Sanskar - it's not paining jaan it's small one only you don't get worry i am all fine (swara sign heavily) it's seriously not paining love
Swara - till doctor don't say that you can travel till then nor i will go anywhere not even let you go that's it otherwise you can go alone
Sanskar - no no no we will go to doctor whatever you want to do we will do i won't go alone anywhere without you jaan doctor will come home in sometimes i will say john to call doctor home
Swara - okey now get up we should go down now (sanskar nods in yes they go down after sometimes later doctor come he did bandaging of sanskar removing white bandage saying swara that sanskar can travel) okay doctor and what about his diet
Doctor - his wound are not that much deep but still till bandage didn't remove you give him healthy food only and there is no problem with traveling you both can go
Swara - thank you doctor (he nods in yes then go from there swara turn and look toward sanskar) now when doctor said we can travel so we will go i will done our packaging
sanskar - okey till then i will make john ready our private jet jaan (swara nods in yes hearing sanskar she go inside there room sanskar get up go out) john ready my private jet tonight we are leaving for kolkatta
john - okey sir i will get ready jet asking captain to be ready (sanskar nods he what about to go inside stop hearing john) sir what about that report which came for swara ma'am (sanskar close his eyes fisting his hand tightly hearing report )
Sanskar - just burn it and throw aashes of this somewhere never let her reach near this (john nods in yes) (in mind) THIS WILL BE LAST LIE OF MINE JAAN I AM SORRY THAT I AM NOT TELLING YOU ABOUT BABY BECAUSE YOU WON'T UNDERSTAND ME THAT'S WHY I AM HELPLESS AFTER THIS I PROMISE THERE WILL BE NO LIE BETWEEN US YOUR SWEAR ITS LAST ONE SERIOUSLY (he go inside see swara is packing his and her bag he go near her back hug her calming himself down swara smile looking toward sanskar) jaan i am sorry
Swara - it's okey sanskar stop saying sorry just forget about this we are going kolkatta na so now you go and take shower we need to get ready john will ready our jet (sanskar nuzzles his face on swara's neck inhaling her fragrance which has enough power to make him calm) go sanskar
sanskar - just some minute jaan please (swara sign heavily turn toward sanskar who slid his hand on her waist) i am sorry for everything love (swara look toward sanskar what about to say something) no i was wrong and it was my mistake so i should ask forgiveness (swara place her right hand on sanskar's cheek)
Swara - sanskar it's okey you are unnecessarily just stretching it whatever happened just forget that now thinking about that nothing will happened so you also just stop saying sorry i know you can never hurt me intentionally it's just happens from your hand unknowingly so don't think about that now why your saying sorry don't say go take shower till then i will also get ready after packing our bag (sanskar take deep breath then nods in yes he go to take shower swara done with packing then she get ready in white colour full sleeves crop top and black colour mid thigh length hot pant apply simple make up wear white colour shoes

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