episode 33 - sanskar meet with accident

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Well i always think not to wrote it down seeing you all's response but who don't want me to discontinued for them it's force me to write it so i am continuing it will not give false hope that i will write it regurally but whenever i feel to write it i will surely write it down and yes the one who don't want me to discontinue thanks for the support and your previous votes it's really Means alot to me thanks for Everything well not to continuing this bak bak of mine i am writing the episode i hope you all will love it enjoy the episode

Happy reading 💖💖💖💖💖

Swara look toward sanskar who fall in sleep hugging her tightly swaraa sign heavily she keep sanskar on bed from herself slowly without disturbing his sleep then go inside washroom she stand under shower thinking about all the happening today if she haven't listened Sanskar's talk he must have done something more wrong she have to find out about him what has happened when she go from mental aasylum and he go to mumbai for doing some job in this time of span she don't know anything about sanskar like where he was what he was doing and who was with him she know nothing she turn off the shower and wear bathrobe go out and wear simple white colour  crop top and white colour mid thigh length hot pant and white colour shoes

Swara look toward sanskar who fall in sleep hugging her tightly swaraa sign heavily she keep sanskar on bed from herself slowly without disturbing his sleep then go inside washroom she stand under shower thinking about all the happening today if s...

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she go out look toward sanskar who is sleeping peacefully she sign hevaily she the time it's night 3 she close her eyes and go near sanskar lay down on bed beside him looking toward him blinking her eyes several times then just close her eyes feeling tired and sleepy after sometimes later she fall in sleep . In morning sanskar wake up he see swara sleeping peacefully holding his tee-shirt in tight grip he smile little bit caresses her cheek
Sanskar - don't make me unnecessarily mad at you jaan be silent and let me also stay calm why don't you understand doing like this i don't like it 1 % also but you force me to do this all i don't want we should fight with each other i just want you just love me nothing eles (he get down from bed covering swara with duet go outside see hall was all clean he sign heavily seat on hall couch dialing someone's number talk for sometimes then go inside get freshen up then get ready come inside room see swara still sleeping) don't know what she will do more after waking up i need to think something making her forget everything and just be at my side not leaving me for second also (he look toward swara then come at balcony his eye fall on his pic with swara he blink his eyes several times turn lean on balcony door looking toward sleeping swara) sorry love for this all but i have no other way till you won't forget everything till that time i have to do this because then only i can have all control over you not only at heart even at your mind i only want to be at your first priority all the time and for that i will do anything which i have to do so this is very small thing sorry (he go near swara peck her forehead and lips softly) i hope now you won't do stubborness of going away from me ever (he go from there call john who come inside he discuss his plan with him then go from there after half hour later swara get up she look here and there to see sanskar didn't find him at room she go out to search him but he was nowhere to found she frown take her mobile dial his number see it's out of reach)
Swara - what the hell where he has gone that to without telling me he know i am scared of this place still he is like this what should i do with him (she again dial sanskar's but again no use now she start getting wrong thoughts remembearing what he said yesterday) no he said if i try to go away from him but i didn't go anywhere so he won't do something like this relax shona your sanskar is fine yesterday whatever he said just to scare you nothing eles (just then door bell come swara smile in tears) he came i know he can't stay away from me for more time (she go to open door how she open door earth slip from under her feet she feel difficulty to take breath she ssnskar being injured so badly john with two bodyguard's bring him home they take sanskar inside one room swara looks on she was emotionless her body was all freez she was standing at room's door step where sanskar was lying on bed just then doctor come there with his team they attached all the wires equipment and start examine sanskar who was unconscious swara was blinking her eyes several times after treating sanskaar when at last he didn't open his eyes he turn toward swara who was standing at door step)
Doctor - excuse me (see swara was standing with blank expressions) i am talking to you who are you do you know who is he did he is something to you then i have to talk something very important to you (swara slowly move her eyelashes toward doctor) can you come outside (swara move outside with doctor blankly) actually i treat his wound but it's show it's some internal wound that's why he is taking time to open his eyes i can't garenty you that when he will open his eyes (swara stumble in shocked) be careful he was hurted at his head so badly i don't know what will be his situation when he will wake up i am leaving my one of nurse 24 hours here only to keep him under her observation once he open his eyes then we can come at any conclusions that what exactly happened to him till then take care of him okey i will take my leave (he go from there swara looks on who still don't know what exactly happened to her sanskar she look toward who standing there bowing his head down she go near him blankly)
Swara - (stammer) wh.....what.....ha.... happened......to.......san......sans....sanskar.......how......he.....get.....injured.....like this where he has gone
John - ma'am sir was little stressed out so early morning only he go somewhere without we being behind him he was driving car harshly and in high speed one truck pass from near him and controlling situation his car dash very badly with one tree and in that process he was hurted badly (swara fist her hand) so we bring him home and call doctor ma'am you take care of him now (he go from there with doctor swara turn and look toward sanskar who was lying on bed she with steady steps go near sanskar seat on bed with thud looking toward him it was like wildest nightmare she must be seeing because she is unble to accept what has happened with her sanskar till yesterday he was with her close to her and today everything got changed which is unacceptable for her it's hard for her to see her sanskar like this it's piercing her heart badly)
Swara - sanskar you're punishing me na then don't do that please it's hardest punishment which you gonna give me look don't joke at this sensitive matter you know na what you means for me i may behave childlessly recklessly but you know i can't live without you please don't do this with your swara i promise i won't go anywhere you want us to stay here na okay we will stay here whole life only you and me i don't want anyone i only want you please wake up don't do this to me na sanskar (hold his hand tightly just then she hear mobile ringtone she take out mobile from sanskar's jeans pocket she see it's mom calling she look toward sanskar) what will i answer her sanskar (swara weep her tears with shivering hand receive call at 3rd ring what about to say something stop hearing sujata)
Sujata - sanskar are really gonna listen to me or not tell me that whatever your doing with that your not gonna get anything you got swara she is loving you back now then what more you want from her just leave this madness from your head by scaring her keeping her near you nothing will happened understand that (swara looks on)
Swara - you was knowing about sanskar mom even now also you know what he is doing with me how can you do this to me mom (sujata sign heavily hearing swara)
Sujata - swara you're taking me wrong beta i accept i was knowing that sanskar is highly obbsesed with you i didn't meant to hide this from you i wanted to tell you what he was planning to do with you but i was helpless he has given me swear and even said if i try to tell you then he will first kill you then himself and you know him regarding to you he won't see anything i accept whatever happening with you it's wrong he is keeping you with himself but understand his fear shona when you stay with family you just keep him at your second priority he don't want that understand his turmoil
swara - and what about me mom whatever happening with me that is right for you i even don't want to trouble sanskar while letting him do this all we are giving him chance to go at extreme level for doing anything he is not understanding anything i am ready to stay here with him my whole life because i understand what i means to him but i am not just his wife i have my family also they are worried for me you know about your son so you don't have any tension what about my maa my dida my bhai didn't they must be worried for me it's wrong mom why your not making sanskar understand this
Sujata - swara see i don't know anything about this all my son already bear alot his love for you have turn very dangerous and i can't take risk reagarding his life your his life if he is happy there with you i am ready to do anything and morever this family haven't given him this much happiness that i should be care for anyone except him you also just look after my sanskar if something happened to him i will never forgive you swara take care of my son like a good wife it's your mother in law order to you now look after sanskar leaving all the things aside ok be a good wife now you are no longer someone's daughter sister granddaughter daughter in law your just my son's wife remember this understand take care i will talk with sanskar later (she what about to cut the call stop hearing sanskar)
Swara - how mom sanskar has meet with accident (sujata get shocked beyond limit) mom please understand tell me how to come back from this place he don't need like this environment he is not even opening his eyes i don't know what to do i can't see him like this mom it's hurt it's break my heart so badly please i can't handle sanskar alonely
Sujata - (with stone heart)forget you have family except your husband just do anything my son is your responsibility i don't want any small scratches also on his body don't forget i am his mother only i can be more cruel to you than him i want my son all ok understand he loves you more than his life that's why i am talking to you calmly otherwise you better know me i can't take it if something happened to my son his every breath take only yours name don't force me to do something wrong be with sanskar do anything but make him fine if you didn't able to do that then I SWEAR ON MY SANSKAR I WILL NEVER LET YOU MEET HIM TAKE HIM VERY FAR FROM YOU OTHERWISE KILL HIM AND AFTER THAT MYSELF DON'T PUSH ME IN THIS LEVEL I WANT MY SON ALL OK AND TALKING WITH ME AGAIN (sujata cut the call making swara numb and blank she look toward sanskar with teary eyes)
Swara - your making fun of every bloody things sanskar our marriage my feelings my emotion my love you tell mom everything about your this stupid step and she is with you giving her full support to do this all nonsense what should i do i can't even take anyone's help you have close all the way sanskar (she stop seeing sanskar's eyes are moving she hold his hand) sanskar please get up (cup his face smile in tears no matter what happened she can't hate him she love him more than her own self he is her breath her heartbeats she weep her tears when sanskar open his eyes look toward swara in confusion swara make him seat) easy sanskar (cup his face) are you okey your not feeling pain na you know how much you scared me seeing you like this i thought i lost my own breath please don't do like this again you make me do anything i won't say anything but dare you do this i was so scared now your fine na (take water make him drink) you take care i will say john to call doctor once he check you and say that your absolutely fine then i can be tension free regarding to you (swara what about to go she feel tight grip on her hand she look toward sanskar) leave my hand sanskar i will just come informing john that you regain your consciousness (sanskar still didn't leave swara's hand) okey fine i won't go anywhere i will call john i will seat near you only (she take sanskar's mobile dial john's number) john call doctor say him that sanskar regain his conscience just come at home to check him
John - okey ma'am i will bring doctor (swara just hummed and cut the call look toward sanskar who was staring her only without blinking his eyelashes swara feeling little weird seeing sanskar his silence scaring her alot she cup his face)
Swara - sanskar please say something na you were angry at me right then scold me but don't stay silent i can't see you like this it's killing me your scaring your jaan with your silence please say something sanskar (just then doctor come with john swara weep her tears get up but feel more strong grip on her wrist see sanskar is not ready to leave her) sanskar let doctor check you leave my hand please (sanskar shake his head in no) sanskar (look toward doctor)
Doctor - it's okey mrs maheswari he must be in some kind of shock that's why he don't want leave you let it be i will check him you just relax (swara nods but sanskar's silence creating some kind of fear) he is out of danger now there is no tension but i think you should admitted him at hospital once because i unble to figure out what exactly happened to him even he is not saying anything
Swara - he is okey na doctor then what's the need to take him hospital i will take care of him in home only if there will be any problem then i will call you here (doctor look toward swara hearing her )
Doctor - no worry if you want this then i will not take him with myself in hospital but you take care of him if you need any help then call me
Swara -  okey i will call you but there is not any problem na please if there is any problem you tell me about this i will look after this please i will take care of sanskar
Doctor - no relax i think now he is out of danger so okey then mrs maheswari i will take my leave (doctor go from there swara close the door come near sanskar looking toward him see he still not looking toward her without blinking his eyes she seat near him holding his hand sanskar hold her hand even more tightly swara sign heavily because sanskar's silence is taking her life slowly slowly she never wish to see him like this whether they fight with each other but at least they talk with each other which was always enough for her she wanted to listen him nothing eles)

PRECAPE - sanskar's  new plan to keep swara with himself doing the drama of his memory loss when he for the first time meet with swara making swara shock 😑🤐😑🤐😑🤐😑🤐😑🤐😑🤐🤐😑🤐😑🤐😑🤐😑🤐😑🤐😑🤐😑🤐😑🤐😑🤐😑😐🤐😐☺☺😐🤐😐🤐😐🤐😑😐😕😐😕😐😕🤒😕😐😕😕🤒🤒😕😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕😐😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕😕🤒🤒😕😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕😕🤒🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕😕🤒🤒😕😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕🤒😕

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