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Fiona Caspar didn't have much wealth. She was a simple woman with simple taste. Around her neck, she bore one family heirloom that she intended to gift her child, who was due any day now. The mothers of Fiona's family had passed down a beautiful golden necklace to each of their daughters. They had had seven generations of daughters, and Fiona would be no different.

The necklace consisted of a golden chain and locket, now this was real gold. Farriage was renowned for its goldsmiths, it was the single most important aspect of the economy. It is what the king spoiled his queen with. He weighed her down with tiaras, brooches, and gold-encrusted gowns. But even those couldn't contain her and the queen's health declined.

Fiona's thoughts went to the young prince, only a year old, who may have to grow up without a mother, and worried for her unborn child. She thought of how she wished to move heaven and earth for this baby and they hadn't even met yet.

When Fiona gave birth to a baby girl, she and her husband, Francis, were overjoyed. They named her Lora. Fiona began to collect knick-knacks and jewelry in a small painted wooden box that she would give to her daughter from certain milestones. She began to sew dresses that the baby couldn't even fit into yet. She poured her heart and soul into trying to create her small cottage into a home for her child. There was nothing more Fiona loved than being a mother.

But all this happiness was cut short.

Before Lora was even a year old, Fiona fell ill. A wave of illness had swept Farriage. Mothers across the kingdom were dying, and there was nothing to do. Soon Fiona succumbed to her sickness and died.

Francis was left alone with the child. He did what he could to provide for his daughter, but couldn't bring himself to marry again. He taught Lora how to run the family business, how to bake, and how to provide for herself. He gifted her the tokens as Fiona had intended.

They lived a happy life together.


Farraige began to struggle. The queen had never recovered from the illness she had acquired years ago. Everyone recognized the inevitable.

Everyone except the king.

As his wife was dying, he went mad, searching for a cure. All his riches couldn't save her. The king was left a widow and the prince was left only to a selfish father.

King Gilbert looked to the only thing he knew could help him cope. Gold. He spent the kingdom's money as therapy for the grief of losing his beautiful wife. The kingdom paid for it. Farriage fell into instability and lost the favor of its allies. It was the laughing stock of the land.

As the years passed, King Gilbert descended deeper into his madness. Common sense had long since disappeared. The people suffered. So did the prince. It was most unfortunate for Francis Caspar when he had been called upon by the palace.

The aging father could have never guessed the extent of the King's delusional requests.

Welcome to my story!!!

This is my Rumplestiltskin telling! I always thought Disney should make a Rumplestiltskin movie, so I made up my own story lol

I plan on writing more stories for all the kingdoms surrounding the Enchanted Forest (all shown on the map from the last page) in my series: The Unfamiliar Fairytales

Stay tuned!

xoxo Canary

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