Chapter 11

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King Gilbert's coffin was veiled in sheer golden chiffon, Farrigian custom. The gold stood out against the white of the wooden exterior. Lora and Nathaniel stood beside the box, both of them dressed in silver, plum sashes crossing their chests. Silver was the mourning color of Farriage, the purple sash was a sign of respect for royalty.

Neither Lora nor Nathaniel were in mourning or had any respect for the man that would soon be buried.

The funeral services had ended hours ago. The Aureate Palace's grand cathedral sat empty of all other stragglers of the court. The banquet tables were cleaned. The barrels of wine had been emptied by the courtiers within the 2nd hour of the ceremony. Now it was just Lora, Nathaniel, and the king's coffin.

"I thought he would have arrived by now," Nathaniel whispered. He lowered himself to sit on the steps of the cathedral's dais and gestured for Lora to do the same.

Lora dropped down next to Nathaniel. She tenderly brushed his shoulder with her own. Nathaniel wasn't upset about his father's death, she knew that for sure when he arrived back from his father's chamber and instead of falling to the ground in sobs, popped a bottle of champagne and shouted "we're free from the old bastard!" Lora had sat on the couch in a state of shock as Nathaniel pressed a glass into her hand and filled it with the golden liquid. But deep down she felt the King didn't deserve to be mourned, not by them at least. Perhaps by the clueless and loyal subjects, but not by those who knew his true nature.

"He's going to come," Lora reassured. The funeral was the perfect place to draw their target out. He had been appearing in court regularly before calling upon Lora in the Enchanted Forest, his presence was expected.

Stiles– Rumplestiltskin loved a big entrance. By now, he had missed his chance. But Lora decided with her and Nathaniel alone was better. Especially regarding what they had planned for him. She dipped her hand into the pocket of her dress and pulled out a small vile with a fushia liquid splashing inside. Lora slipped it into Nathaniel's coat pocket.

Nathaniel sighed and ran his hand through his hair. Lora didn't like seeing him nervous. She quickly took his hand and squeezed it. Stiles had to come tonight. Nathaniel was drowning in preparations for his coronation at the end of the week. He was overwhelmed. Lora was overwhelmed. Everyone was overwhelmed.

The grand clock struck 9'o o'clock, shaking the cathedral. At that very moment, the doors opened with a gust of wind. He had arrived.

"My dear Lora!" Stiles cried out throwing his arms in the air. "You look lovely tonight!"

Lora rolled her eyes and rose to her feet. Nathaniel followed. They met Stiles halfway down the carpeted aisle. Stiles exchanged his Cheshire smile with the two of them. Neither of them returned it.

"Tough crowd tonight," he sighed. His eyes moved to Nathaniel. "I am so sorry for your loss, Princey. But, hey, you're one step closer to the crown, boy."

"Can we skip the pleasantries?" Nathaniel muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. Lora pushed past him to look Rumplestliskin in the eye.

"I see we're focused on Nate not dying. Reasonable" Rumplestliksin shrugged. "I assume that means you've figured out how to stop my dark magic from consuming me. It's ever so inconvenient."

Lora smiled sweetly and patted Nathaniel's jacket pocket. "Indeed, we have." Rumplestliskin's eyes followed intently as Nathaniel presented the vile.

"We found the ingredients for a potion that should solve everything, most importantly my issue, which you caused. Frankly, I could care less if it fixes your problems."

"But it will fix your problem," Lora reassured. Nathaniel nodded lazily. "There are some magic words– to activate the potion."

"Yes, in some ancient language. Hopefully, we don't completely butcher the spell." Nathaniel replied. "Lora, you do the honors."

"That's too kind, Nathaniel." Lora smiled before clearing her throat.

Stiles gestures for them to get on with it. Nathaniel uncorked the vile and looked at Lora. She gave him the smallest of nods.

"Tutu autenum demes, medius ce au," she chanted nonsense words. Nathaniel threw the pink liquid at Stiles. He shrank away for a moment for looking himself up and down.

"Did it work?" Stiles asked. Lora and Nathaniel looked at one another.

"The lore says you know it worked once you see lumps in the skin," Lora said matter-of-factly.

"Lumps-in-the-skin?" Nathaniel repeated. He threaded the words together.

"Yes," Lora beamed. "Rumplestiltskin."

They quickly tuned to Rumpleslitksin who shrieked at the sound of his real name lifting off of Lora's lips.

"What did you just say!" He shouted. His face was an ill shade of crimson.

"Rumplestiltskin." Lora and Nathaniel repeated as if they were confused as to why this was so hard for him to grasp

That only angered him more. He darted towards the pair at full speed. "You bitch!"

"That's not very nice," Nathaniel said shaking his head as if Rumplestiltskin was a misbehaving child.

Rumplesleitskin closed in on them. Lora knew it was any minute the name had its effect. He slid to a stop a foot or two in front of them. His eyes went wide and his brows shot up. He lifted off the floor, his toes barely grazing the ground. Rumplestilskin shrieked and kicked, fighting the invisible force taking over him. It was no use. His arms spread out, displaying his whole wingspan, which wasn't very wide due to his small size.

Black light shot out of his fingertips. He shouted in agony as the black transformed into white. "My magic!" He screamed. The white glow shifted into a white shining mist, which engulfed Rumplestilskin's body.

That was it.

The mist dispersed. Lora and Nathaniel fanned away the remaining cloud. He was gone. A pile of black ashy dust, similar to what sat under the infected trees sat where Rumplestiklsin was standing moments before.

Before Lora and Nathaniel celebrated a large ring of white light burst through the cathedral walls. Lora ran out of the side doors following the burst of power. It ran through the Enchanted Forest, a wave of magic shaking the trees.

Lora ran to the patch of trees that has been dying. Not a single flack of black ash was in sight, Nathaniel was behind her investigating the branches for wayward-minded vines. They swept through the Forest looking for any remains of Rumplestiltskin's dark magic. Lora and Nathaniel literally leaped for joy when their search proved futile. It was all gone.

"We did it!" She screamed. They spun in circles and rolled down hills.

"I'm not going to die!" Nathaniel laughed. Lora joined him and threw her arms around him.

They had done it. Farriage was safe, and by the end of the week, it'd be in much better hands than it had before. The waters had calmed. They could stop fighting the currents. Their battle was over.

Thanks for reading!!!

The next chapter is the last! I'll announce what the next book's fairytale will be at the end of the story. Thank you for your support and view throughout this entire process, it means so much to me!

xoxo Canary

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