Chapter 10

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Once again, Lora Caspar found herself in front of the Aureate Palace. Still scared, but not alone. King Gilbert had called on them to see him in his chamber, his condition had severely weakened him to the point where he couldn't manage to pull himself out of his four-poster bed. Nathaniel and she were in dire need of a bath, and Lora had no intention to talk to the man who had ruined her life. Nathaniel signed and agreed to see his dying father. When a footman had announced the king's wishes Lora shook her head and made a cut to the neighboring hallway.

A maid had to scamper down the hall to direct Lora to her room. Her spontaneous detour led them through an unknown wing of the palace. Marble busts of ancient Farriage leaders lined the green-painted halls. The pattern was interrupted by a large doorway. Lora turned her head as she walked past and stopped at the sight.

Before she stood the largest library she had ever seen. A glossy mint tile floor shone underneath golden chandeliers. Dark spruce shelves housed thousands of leather-bound books. White ladders leaned against the tallest of shelves. It was breathtaking.

Lora found herself pulled into the room, once more the maid scurried after her. Lora pulled a deep red book off of one of many shelves and flipped it over to see the cover. Folk tales of the Enchanted Forest. She had this book when she was a child. Within its yellowing pages, it held Farriageian stories of the magic within the forest. Her father had always read her stories of fairies who lived in the center-most part of the forest.

"Could I take this to my room?" Lora asked the maid, looking up from the pages.

"I suppose," the maid squeaked. Her hands rubbed the fabric of her skirt.

Lora tried to give an easing smile, but it didn't seem to help this maid's nerves. She let the young maid lead her to her room without any more interruptions. Lora ran a bath and sprinkled in the lavender salts that sat in a jar next to the claw foot marble tub.

It was too quiet. Nathaniel was still talking about who knew what with his father. The maid had practically run out of the room after Lora stepped foot into it. Even the multiple paranoid guards outside the main doorway stood at position mute. Lora missed Aubrey, but she knew it was better if she was gone. She made a mental note to have Nathaniel send Jefferys to find Aubrey in Richfard, who was no doubt stuck at the border.

She stopped the water and settled into the warm, fragrant waters. The bath was nice, but the silence wasn't calming. Lora felt alone, just like that very first night in the palace. She sank underneath the water bowling bubbles up the surface. She counted to ten before sticking her head back up above the surface. Pushing away her brown locks obstructing her view, Lora saw Nathaniel peeking his head in the doorway. His beard was gone and he wore a clean outfit.

"I thought you had drowned for a moment," Nathaniel laughed.

Lora chuckled and rested her hand on her fist. They sat in silence for a minute.

"My father tried to pretend nothing happened. Like he didn't chase us into the forest and try to kill us. The worst thing is I think he actually can't remember what happened. He was always crazy, but today was different."

Lora reached up the cup Nathaniel's face. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"He can't be saved?" He asked his voice barely more than a breath.


"I can't decide if I'm glad or sad. I feel horrible for that."

"He was horrible to us. He was horrible to all of Farriage."

Nathaniel sighed and dropped his head into his hands. "I know. He's the reason Farraige is in trouble. He's the reason we're on this crazy hunt to stop black magic."

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