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Right by the shores of a beach in the middle of the night, a male cowered in fear, his back leaning against the rocks.

"W-What are you people?" The man stammered, his young face glowing underneath the moonlight.

The oldest of the group tsked, crossing his arms as he looked away. "Why is your skin so beautiful in this dark of night?" He glared at the moon before smiling creepily at the man. "Nevertheless, no such beauty will surpass mine" He said, his hands glowing red.

"Oh how delightful!!" The youngest of them exclaimed, his tentacles touching the man in different places. "Let me do it this time hyung"

"P-Please don't" The man begged, trying to push away the tentacles that tried to go in his pants.

"Tsk, what a weakling" The skinny male said, dangling his wand loosely on his fingers. "In my dimension, no such male was ever in submission"

The short male rolled his eyes. "Says the bottom"

"Outta my way slowpokes!" A wolf jumped into group, his dark blue fur as dark as the night sky. "If you don't do something about this human" He pointed at the man still cowering. "I'm having him for my midnight snack"



"Ugh, just get him out of my sight"

The man widen his eyes.


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