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"Everything is in here in the bathroom if you ever want to shower or something" Seokmin said as he led Jisoo to their spare room. Or as they call now the ✨guest room✨.

"Thanks Seok" Jisoo smiled.

Seokmin's heart pounded at the nickname.

"Oh, and by the way" Seokmin stopped from leaving when Jisoo spoke up. He turned around.

"Thanks for understanding. Usually vampires don't get along nowadays"

Seokmin chuckled. "It's what friends do" He cleared his throat. "Good night Soo" He mumbled, closing the door as he left.

"Soo? No one had ever called me that before" Jisoo chuckled.


As soon as Seokmin had entered his bedroom, he slid down the door, placing a hand on his (surprisingly, still beating) heart.

"Hong Jisoo, what are you doing to me?" He mumbled.


"Gah!!" Seokmin jumped at the sound of someone clearing their throat. He looked up to see his 5 friends with devious smirks.

"Don't give that look" Seokmin groaned in embarrassment, dragging his feet to his bed where he sat between Wonwoo's hybrid wolf form and Seungkwan's annoying tentacles.

"Why are you like that anyways?" Seokmin turned to Wonwoo, who had fur on some parts of his body (such the front area of his arms, his cheeks etc.)

"It just happened" Wonwoo shrugged, his wolf ears wiggling.

Seokmin sighed and turned to Seungkwan. "And you, can't you hide your tentacles?"

Seungkwan just gave a smug smile before hiding his purple tentacles.

"Ughhhh" Seokmin groaned as he flopped down on his bed.

"Friends huh?" Jeonghan looked at Seokmin, hovering above him. "Are you sure you're still gonna be friends in the mere future?"

Seokmin glared at him as he sat up. "Get out!" He yelled, pushing his friends out of his way.

They all just laughed as he slammed the door shut, peace finally engulfing him.

He sighed. "I want blood" He mumbled, shifting into a bat as he flew out the window.

He flew into the forest and reached the edge of it, where a 2-story house was.

He shifted back into a vampire as he landed on his feet, his eyes glowing red and fangs shining in the darkness.

He approached the door as he knocked. The door swinging open minutes later.

"What do you— Oh! Seokmin-ah!"

"Hey Eunwoo" Seokmin smiled. "Got any blood bags?"

"Yep! Newly packaged! Come in"

Seokmin smiled as he entered the house being met with the rest of Eunwoo's roommates slash friends.

"Hey Seokmin!"

"Hi guys"

Seokmin followed Eunwoo who went down to their basement.

"Sorry if it kinda stinks here Seok, I haven't cleaned the place up yet" Eunwoo said, as he turn on the lights to reveal barrels with taps on them. What's inside? Blood.

"No worries bro" Seokmin chuckled.

"So, how many bags will you need?"

"I'm giving it to my schoolmate who turns out to be a blood-deprived vampire"

"I see, then a box should last 2 months or so, unless your friend is one of those kinds" Eunwoo emphasized the word 'those' with warning eyes.

Seokmin immediately shook his head. "He's like us, trust me"

"Okay then, here you go" He placed down a box right in from of him.

"Thanks Eunwoo, a lot"

"You're welcome, now go" Eunwoo playfully waved him off.

Seokmin chuckled, lifting the box with ease before leaving the place with his superspeed.

He arrived at their front door in just 5 minutes. He sighed in relief, opening the door to see Seungkwan and Minghao on the couch, talking (well more like arguing).

"Oh, hey Seoks, weren't you at your room a while ago?" Wonwoo came in from the kitchen.

"Needed to get some blood" Seokmin said, making his way to the kitchen as he place the box on the counter.

Jeonghan entered. "For you?" He asked.

"Nope, it's for Jisoo" Seokmin said, opening it and taking one bag. "But getting one won't hurt" He smiled mischievously, sipping on it.

Jeonghan rolled his eyes.

"Do you think he'll tell them?" Minghao asked worriedly.

Seokmin shook his head. "Jisoo promised remember? He's never one to break a promise"

"But even so Seok" Wonwoo entered the kitchen. "Who knows, he might've had his fingers crossed behind"

Seokmin shook his head in disagreement.


As the sun slowly rose up from behind the mountains, the vampire fluttered his eyes open.

He sat up, his red eyes beaming bright before it returned to his black ones.

He scratched his head, his eyebrow furrowed at the new scene in front of him.

And then he realized......

"Oh right, I'm at the Flower Boys' Dorm" He mumbled as he slowly climbed out of bed, his feet gently landing on the floor.

He spotted his old clothes from last night hanging on the headboard and took a look at his current clothes: some blue striped pjs. 'Probably Seokmin's' He thought.

Without wasting any more time, he changed back to his old hoodie and jeans, before leaving a quick note on the bed with the pajamas folded neatly beside it.

He opened the window, steadying himself on the window frame as he jumped out, shifting into a bird as he flew away.


"Hey Jisoo-ah, do you want some breakf— And he left"

"Wait, he left??" Seokmin came in, a sad pout on his face.

"Unfortunately yes" Jeonghan sighed, picking up the note and showing it to Seokmin.

𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕.
𝑰 𝒐𝒘𝒆 ʼ𝒚𝒂 𝒐𝒏𝒆 :)

- 𝑱𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒐

"Oh how pitiful, his prince charming left too soon" Seungkwan exaggerated, dramatically leaning himself on the doorframe.

"Shut up Kwan" Seokmin rolled his eyes.

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