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Seungkwan grumbled under his breath, passing through the crowded hallways with a grumpy face.

"Uh oh, who's gotten him mad?"

"Last time I seen him he was with his friends"

Upon noticing Seungkwan's presence, the students couldn't help but step aside and keep quiet, a grumpy Seungkwan is not someone to mess with.

With much thought clouding his mind, he didn't notice someone walking until he bumped onto their chest.

"Ow!" Seungkwan fell to the ground because of the strong impact.

"I'm so sorry!!" A male voice said, as a hand was reached out in front of him.

"I can stand" Seungkwan denied the offer, raising his feet. "Can't you watch where you goin..........g" Seungkwan's eyes soften upon meeting the male.

It was no other than Hansol Chwe himself.

"Well, I didn't knew either. I was kinda spacing out" Hansol chuckled, looking away. "Tell you what" He thought of something, facing Seungkwan. "So we don't go on bad terms, how ʼbout I take you out? Like as an apology or something like that"


"If it's okay with you.....?"

"O-Oh....um sure" Seungkwan stammered, trying his best to hide his flushed cheeks.

"Great! Meet me at Darl+ing Mall this Saturday!" Hansol exclaimed.


"Oh shoot! I gotta get to class! See you later Seungkwan-ah!" Hansol waved as he ran away to his next class.

Seungkwan stood there stunned.

'He......He knows my name'

Somehow Seungkwan's heart almost did a somersault.


Wonwoo and Minghao silently made their way through the hallways and to their next classes.

"So what are you gonna do about it hyung? About her?" Minghao asked.

Wonwoo looked around before shaking his head. "Not here Hao"


Wonwoo checked the textbooks he was holding before sighing. "I gotta go to my locker, I grabbed a wrong book"

"I'll come with you hyung" Minghao offered as the two made their way to Wonwoo's locker.

But upon reaching there, they spotted Jun rummaging something in his locker (which by the way, was beside Wonwoo's) with Mingyu with him.

"Shoot, among all places" Wonwoo muttered, but nevertheless approached his own locker.

Putting in the code and unlocking it, Wonwoo payed no attention to the two males beside him as he did what he has to do.

Meanwhile Minghao had the opposite intention. He decided to take a glance at the two males and to his surprise, they looked back at him, catching himself off guard.

"Hey, Minghao right?" Jun asked, smiling as he closed his locker as he approached the male with sky blue eyes.

"Y-Yeah" Minghao shyly said.

Wonwoo rolled his eyes at the interaction, when suddenly somebody cleared his throat. And that somebody just had to be Mingyu.

"Hey Wonu" Mingyu smiled, his canine teeth showing.

"That's Wonwoo to you" Wonwoo said coldly, shutting his locker as he turned around and was about to walk away.

But he was stopped when Mingyu grabbed his wrist as he made him face him, the older's dark blue eyes locking gazes with his black ones.

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