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Seokmin felt the previous days passed by like the wind. And now here he stood, in front of his closet choosing a decent outfit to at least impress his date.

'C'mon Seok, you've wore incredible outfit in various events! This should be a breeze!'

"Hey guys! I'm gonna head out now!!" He heard Minghao yell from downstairs, followed by Jeonghan and Seungkwan yell an "Okay!"

Seokmin sighed, pulling out a white polo shirt and some black pants.

"This one it is then"

Meanwhile downstairs, after Minghao's date had picked him up and left, the doorbell rang again.

"That's Jisoo" Wonwoo said, hearing his voice mumbling from outside.

Seungkwan reached out a tentacle and used it to open the door, revealing Jisoo who was muttering endlessly, a flower bouquet in his hands.

"Oh" Jisoo looked up when he saw the door open but jumped a bit when a tentacle had greeted him.

Jeonghan peeked his head out. "Come in Jisoo-ah!"

"Oh uhm........okay" Jisoo stepped in, as the tentacle retracted and disappeared.

"Hey Jisoo, love the outfit" Jeonghan winked.

Jisoo wore denim pants with a checkered button-up shirt.

"T-Thanks, is Seokmin ready yet?"

"Uhh, I think so. Lemme check" Wonwoo said, as he suddenly disappeared and a minute later he appeared again. (as a werewolf, he has teleportation as a minor power)

"Yep, he'll be down in a few"

"Take a seat while you wait" Jihoon offered, looking up from his laptop.

"Oh uhh.....thanks" Jisoo mumbled, sitting beside Jeonghan at the end of the couch.

Jeonghan eyed him up and down, then snickered. "C'mon, why are you so tense? We won't bite" He reassured.

Jihoon rolled his eyes. "Not for Wonu's case that is"

"Pftt" Wonwoo huffed. "C'mon Ji, I'm not that cruel"

"Oh yeah?" Seungkwan rose an eyebrow, last time I checked you ate that man on the beach with no hesita—"

"Guys guys, stop!" Jeonghan laughed. "You're gonna scare Seok's date" He said, wiggling his eyebrow as he pinched Jisoo's cheeks. "Just forget about the Wonwoo part okay?"

Jisoo nodded uneasily.

"Guys, have you seen my wallet? I can't find it any—" Seokmin came rushing down the stairs, his eyes searching everywhere until he met eyes with the other vampire in the room, causing to cut off his sentence. "—where...."

"Seokmin, hi" Jisoo stood up, a shy smile on his face.

"Hey" The younger vampire greeted as the older approached him.

"You ready?" He asked.

Seokmin nodded. "Yeah. Just need to find my uh.....wallet"

Jisoo tilted his head. "What for?"

Seokmin rose an eyebrow. "Obviously because that's where I put my money?"

Jisoo chuckled. "Who says you're spending money?"


"I'm the one who's taking you out Seok. And I'm paying"

"Soo, you can't do that"

"I insist" He smiled.

"If you say so......"

"Excellent" He smiled. "Should we get going then?"

"Uhm, sure" Seokmin nodded, he faced his friends. "Guys, we're heading out"

His friends nodded.

"Return him in one piece Jisoo-ah!" Jeonghan exclaimed.

"Will do" Jisoo nodded.

Seokmin smiled as he and Jisoo left the house.

As they made their way out of the house, Jisoo stopped for a moment.

"Oh, I almost forgot, this is for you" He said, giving him the bouquet.

"Oh wow, roses" Seokmin smiled. "Thank you Soo"

"You're welcome. Now come on" Jisoo said, pulling him as the younger laughed.

Peeking from the window, Seungkwan sighed dreamily. "He's a green flag, don't you think hyungs?"

"He sure is" Jihoon agreed. "Hey, what about your dates?"

"Nah, why bother?" Jeonghan rolled his eyes.

"You're ditching him?" Seungkwan asked wide-eyed.

"Heck yeah I— OW!" Jeonghan didn't finish his sentence as he yelped in pain, covering his chest.

"What's wrong Hyung?" Jihoon looked up.

"Nothing, probably just— AGH!" Jeonghan yelled again as he tighten his grip on his chest.

"You better be getting ready Yoon Jeonghan" A familiar goddess' voice boomed.

Jeonghan groaned. "Mom!"

Just then a bright light shined and when it died, the beautiful goddess of beauty and love was standing right behind the couch where Jeonghan sat.

"Goddess Aphrodite!" Seungkwan exclaimed.

"Your Highness, good evening" Jihoon stood up as he, Wonwoo and Seungkwan bowed in unison.

"Hello boys, nice seeing you again" Aphrodite smiled. "Say now, weren't there 5 of you? Where's the other two, hm?"

"They uhm, went out for the night" Wonwoo awkwardly replied, rubbing his nape.

"I see. Well, any plans for you Jeonghanie hm?"

Jeonghan winced as he stood up. "I did not like how that pain lasted, Mother"

"Well, you don't want more of it now do you? Then get ready! That Choi soulmate of yours will be waiting for you"

"Ugh fine" Jeonghan rolled his eyes as he went upstairs.

The goddess chuckled. "Now that seems more like it" He looked at the three. "I presume you boys will be making sure he leaves this house for his date?"

"Don't worry Your Highness, we'll make sure of it" Wonwoo bowed.

"Excellent. Ta-ta boys~" She waved before she disappeared in a bright light.

Seungkwan rubbed his eyes. "So that wasn't a dream?"

The older two shook their head.

Just then a phone notification snap them out from their daze.

"Oh shoot, Mingyu" Wonwoo panicked. "I gotta get ready" He said as he teleported to his room.

"Better get ready as well" Seungkwan said, making his tentacles disappear before making his way upstairs.

Jihoon looked around the empty living room and sighed. "Looks like it's just myself tonight" He muttered, putting his headphones on and opening his laptop.

Poor Jihoonie :(

Let's see the dates of the boys in the next chapter ;)

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